
Similarities Between Ancient Egyptian Gods And Afterlife

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Ancient Egyptian Gods and the Afterlife In 3500BCE, the first Egyptians emerged near the Nile and after their concurrence with the Arabs, have left behind their amazing beliefs with many gods and afterlives.At different times there were varying gods and altered roles for them. There was the god Amun, who looked like a man with a ram head and an ostrich plumed hat. Amun was one of the most powerful gods in ancient Egypt At the height of Egyptian civilisation he was called the 'King of the Gods'. Amun was always seen as very powerful, “however, when Amun was combined with the sun god Ra he was even more powerful. He was then called Amun-Ra.” (British Museum, 1999) Also, there was Ra/Re, the sun god (Figure 1). He made people and so, was the …show more content…

Another of the most important gods to the Ancient Egyptians was Atum. Atum was a creator god who they thought to be the first god on Earth (British Museum). At different times there were varying afterlives as well. At one time there were multiple monsters that the deceased had to defeat using multiple spells then have their heart weighed against a feather. The weighing was watched over by Ra/Re and was conducted by Anubis (god of embalming and the dead) and Thoth (god of writing and knowledge) (Figure 2). However, at another time they just had to have never lied in their life, so they were light enough to be able to ride Ra’s boat to the Two Fields where the spirit could live forever (Mr Donn).However, when the lucky ones got to the afterlife, the only way they’d have anything there was if the Egyptian had those things in their tomb. That meant that they had to have food and everyday items. Then the deceased’s family could mummify their pets and they’d come with the spirit. Servants were sacrificed until 2900BCE and after that the lifeless one would need little statues of servants called shabtis. These tiny figurines grew to normal sized humans as soon as they arrived in the Two Fields and …show more content…

About 5515 years ago, the first Egyptians emerged near the Nile and immediately started inventing. 400 years later (3100BCE), the first form of writing (hieroglyphics) was created (Figure 3). At first, they carved into walls but after a while, the Egyptians made Papyrus sheets which was an “admirable substitute thousands of years earlier” (Atteberry J and Kiger P, 2015) than the Chinese invention of paper. They also created the earliest version of the calendar. “Their civil calendar was so closely tied into farming that the Egyptians divided it up into three main seasons: inundation, growing and harvest. Each season had four months, with each month divided into 30 days. Adding it all up, you get 360 days a year -- a bit short of an actual year.” (Atteberry J and Kiger P, 2015). An unusual invention were breath mints. The Egyptians made this to combat their terrible diet problems. The bread they baked was made with stones and so caused a lot of decay and eventually led to a rotting mouth (Atteberry J and Kiger P). They made their version of breath mints with a mixture of frankincense, myrrh and cinnamon that was boiled with honey and shaped into pellets. They created toothbrushes and tooth paste. Their tooth brushes were made from frayed sticks (Figure 4) throughout the entirety of their kingdom

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