
Creative Writing: Band Of Seven

Decent Essays

It seemed just like any other day in the kingdom, the sky was bright blue, not a cloud in sight. You lay on the grass, the warmth of the mid afternoon sun on your face as a slight breeze every now and then would ruffled your raven tresses. The palace garden was your favorite spot to relax when you didn't have any royal duties.
You were the princess of a kingdom located in the south, which was founded 30 years ago but, it thrived nonetheless. It was peaceful most of the time, besides the occasional demon attacks, but they weren't anything the palace soldiers couldn't handle. You gazed at the amaryllis in the garden admiring their beauty, they were your favorite flower the blue ones to be exact. You closed your eyes and took a took a deep breath, …show more content…

I entered my room and lied on my futon, staring at the ceiling with my red orbs. I sighed deeply putting and arm over my face. I began thinking of what my father told me.

'I wonder what this Band of Seven is like. Do they really possess the strength to lead our kingdom victory? I guess we'll find out when the time comes'
With those final thoughts I drifted to sleep.
I woke up to a knock at door. I sat up rubbing my eyes, looking out my window I saw the sun starting to set. It must be Hana to come get me for dinner.
"Come in." I called out.
Hana slid the shoji door open, she was kneeling and bowed. "I've come to ecort you to join his majesty for dinner Rei."
"I'll be out in just a moment please wait outside Hana."
"As you wish." She closed the door leaving me to straighten myself up before heading out.
I exited my room and Hana guided me to the dining room. After I ate with my father, I sat in the garden to enjoy the night air before returning to my room. The moon had reached it peak in the sky and it was getting chilly. I was starting to get sleepy again despite my long nap I already had. As soon as I put my head into my pillow I was fast

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