Friday, October 13th, there was a carnival coming to Clydeville. Clydeville was a very small town, everybody knew everybody. At the Clydeville high school everyone usually kept to themselves. Leo and Carly were the main couple of the school. They planned on going to the carnival that night because they wanted to go out that night. They thought something terrible was going to happen. They thought right.
Later that night they headed off to the abandoned barnyard where the carnival was taking place. There was a lot of people there in masks and weird hats. At the darkest part of the carnival there was a small blue and yellow tent that said “The Supernaturals.” A strange noise was coming from the tent “SCREECH SCREECH” and it got louder and louder
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They spoke a language that didn’t even sound human. They both growled at Leo and then disappeared into the darkness leaving Leo and Carly alone. Leo looks up at Carly’s body dangling from the ceiling “I’m going to get us out of here.” He looked around the poorly lit room and finds a saw. He cut himself out the ropes and pulls the chains down closer to the floor to free her. Then “SLAM!” Leo went airborne across the room right into the wall. His head and shoulder started to gush blood he grunted but before he could get up, something shot straight into his leg he hollard. The Clown Man was hovered over him with his long curved nail deep into Leo’s leg and whispers “I will kill you slowly and steal your face if you try that again.” His breath smelled like decaying bodies and garlic. The Clown Man makes the clicking sound again and his little assistant limps out of the shadows. “The name’s Skins, do not underestimate the master.” said Skins. Leo grunts and says “What exactly did he mean by steal my face?” Skins scowls at him “Follow me dirtbag.” They go off into the darkness leaving Carly and Clown Man alone. Skins took Leo to a dim room full of dead human bodies. “Dirtbag, If you look at them closely you will see that neither of them have faces. said Skins. Leo started to shake and cry but before he could even reply “BOOM!” Carly falls directly in front of him. Leo grabs her …show more content…
Skins was just waiting for him to kill Leo and take his face as his own. There was a faint sigh above there their heads, “Carly, Please say something babe?” Leo whines. Carly slowly opened her eyes and screams to the top of her lungs. Skins disappeared into the shadows, The Clown Man’s head did a 360 and turns to Carly. She struggles to get out of the chains but there was nothing that she could do. Leo kicked the Clown Man’s head making it spin back towards him. He stabs his long nails into his leg wounds again, and made the clicking sound. Skins comes out of the darkness looks up at Carly. She stares at Leo. Skins makes his way towards Leo and slits his throat. Carly screams and cries while she watches her the love of her life collapse to the floor. The Clown Man inhales the smell of blood and before Carly could even blink Leo’s face was completely gone. The Clown Man turns his head back to Carly and removes his mask. There it was Leo’s
World War I caused suffering, pain, and devastation throughout the world. World War I was from 1914 to 1918. This war had many causes and results which Remarque used to help write his novel, All Quiet on the Western Front. Although many think the causes and results of World War I could never justify any problem, Remarque uses those events to justify the events that happen throughout his novel, All Quiet on the Western Front.
After a long mountainous drive, I arrived at my destination to embrace one of nature’s wonders in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park, Abram Falls Trail. Upon departing the car, a cool crisp breeze brushed my face and the aroma of bacon lingered in the early morning air from the neighboring campground. The narrow rocky footpath looked like a tedious adventure, however a gorgeous, vibrant array of red, purple, orange, and yellow wildflowers blossoming at the entrance made the trail alluring. Navigating the rocky, uneven terrain required sturdy footing, but the quiet stillness created a peaceful relaxing atmosphere. The lush pine-oak forest formed a green canopy of shelter above the trail, offering welcome cool shade, as vivid sunlight filtered through the foliage. A sweet honey fragrance permeated the air, as a stunning scene displayed a cluster of purple and pure white
Four friends were going to hang out at Kings Island during Halloween Haunt. Their names are Jane Rogers, April O’Neil, Steve Rogers, and Donatello Hamato.
Upon taking a flashlight, brand new with full battery life, into the tunnel, I found the fuse box that controls the lights overhead. After opening it, I found all the fuses were in perfect condition and functional, once confirming this fact I proceeded to move the switch into an upwards position to test if power was still coming in. To my surprise, the light came on without hesitation, save for the few that blew out instantly. With the lights now on, I ventured farther into the tunnel to record its length and depth. At around one mile in, the smell of decay and old blood was becoming stronger and the walls were beginning to turn red from what I can confirm to be blood, purely that of a
CHARGE!!!, the crowd went wild as the song was playing in the stadium. As I got closer to the seats it got louder and louder I felt like I was at a monster truck show. Then I got to the seats I turned my head to look at the field and it look a lot more greener than on TV. The home team was practicing on the field ready to beat the Washington Nationals.
Building suspense in literature or film is a delicate art. Suspense is the increase of the readers anxiety and uncertainty about how the plot if going to unfold. Suspense is used in many different ways but mainly to grab the reader or watchers attention and give them an unsettling feeling about not knowing what is going to happen. The writer Richard Connell and director Alfred Hitchcock create suspense for their audiences in “The Most Dangerous Game” and The Bird.
So on one cold Friday they decide to have a sleepover and somehow sneak out and look at the cop info. They decide that at 1:00 am they should leave. So Diego helps pass the time by bringing food and PC games. They play some PC and eat candy, which helps to pass the time a lot. They finally see its 1 am and they get all black and hoodies and they leave. They slowly climb out the window jumping out and run out of sight into the tall dark trees. Bow decides he should lead and Mason should be in the middle with Diego in the back. They all sneak toward the back roads and run into the bushes behind the police station.
Saturday night in Muncie there was definitely only one place to be. It was a little hole in the wall bar named Valhalla. This bar is amazing. It's small but has a wicked light and sound system that puts bigger clubs to shame. And the place was definitely filled up with others like myself trying to get a taste of the Hoosier Heavy that is the Muncie metal scene.
You could feel the riot before you could see it. There was something else in the crisp early morning New York air, a certain electricity. A certain static that could only have been brought about by the winds of change. Even at three am the city is usually alive, but in these early Saturday morning hours Christopher Street was more alive than usual. However, it wasn't the normal flamboyant energy it had come to been known for. It was an angry energy, one that's only capable of being created by an oppressed group fed up with the constant mistreatment they've too long endured.
My name is Jeffrey I was born in Mississippi 1989,June 9 where I came from a trailer there.We spent most of our life there in Mississippi. We made kin friends kinda more that family than friends and had a couple of hilarious jests together I felt like I was gunna spend the rest of my life there but I guess not.My family got into some trouble gambling so me and my family was thinking to flee and go to Alabama.So we took a destination stay with Aunt Sheela for a a week or a month to see if we can find a way to get out of this trouble.
Skylar was a 15 year old in her freshman year of high school along with her two best friends Tucker and Charlotte. Skylar had long brown silky hair, which she always wore up either in a ponytail or some type of braid. Skylar loved to wear skinny jeans, converse, and sweatshirts. Her eyes were a mixture of a green and darker orange color. Skylar was very confident around people that she was most comfortable with. Otherwise, she was very shy and quiet around others. Charlotte was blonde with her hair always flowing down her back. Charlotte wore pretty much the same thing as Skylar except she liked to wear actual t-shirts. Charlotte has bright blue eyes that everyone wished they had. Charlotte didn’t care what others thought so she was always
Lake Willowberry wasn’t an enormous lake, but it was sizable, with the approximate circumference length of a rounded football field. The lake was not far from my house, it was in the forest, and the forest encroached the south side of my fence—standing tall like a citadel of pine trees.
I Kaylin Otis, made it through the winter at valley forge. It was a harsh winter, most of us had a feeling we weren’t going to survive. A lot of our men have passed away because it was a little ice age. We didn’t have many supplies to support all of us. George washington our general tried and tried to distract us from the misery, but nothing really seemed to work. I tried writing back to my family, but my hands were purple and hard to move. Constantly shivering. I have never been so cold in my entire life. I remember praying several times a day, hoping i would get through this, and i will make it home to my family safely. I was so sad at a time like this, but Marquis De Lafayette keeping everyone’s spirits high. He was one of the richest
For my trip to Louisiana I would bring along two of my friends. I would bring along Granddaddy Cain, because on car rides it is better to have Quality Company than to have quantity in company. One quality of his that I admire is that he is described as “tall and quiet like a king” (Bambara, 67). This quality is repeated twice in the story and is inferred from the description of his large hands. Another good quality is his manners in which he deals with the two men. He starts out nice and welcomes both men “like he’d invited them to play cards and they’d stay too long” (68). After Cathy describes how his coworkers would describe him granddaddy Cain. He then gives the two men a reason to leave by swatting at their camera and makes it hit the
"Why can't I want to know more about a group of rogues in the same forest as me?" Alexander replied.