
Creative Writing: Mikan's Nightmare

Decent Essays

" Sean..." Mikan really has no idea how she got there or how this little child found her. She was just having a nightmare, tossing a turn for what felt like hours. In the middle of her dream, a little boy crawled out to the darkness to met her. He seemed scared and all around lost. Without thinking, Mikan snarled and bared her fangs at the infant, trying to scare it off. Instead of running, the child just started to whimper and tremble before her. Mikan started to panic, not know how to make the infant stop tearing up and sobbing all over. She never had experience with children, specially one so young. Quivering herself, her fury mellows as she creeps to the child slowly. Mikan ears folded back and head low as she whimpers in apology. The …show more content…

Her eyes widens as her horrors around her melts to a mellow world. Was it this kid? Getting back onto her feet, she glances around the now empty dream. “ Huh... I must be dreaming then. No way can the scenery change so rapidly or can I talk...” Mikan notices that she her opening her mouth and actually words are coming out. This is a sure fire sign this is all a silly...dream? Mikan notices her tail is a little heavier as it feels something attached to …show more content…

She bit her lip and tries to suck in her tears. “ I'm sorry... I didn't notice you were. I should have been easier on you. I should of let you do... whatever freaky thing you do. Like a child trying to gain closeness with their distant sibling, is that what you tried to do? All my life, I only had one friend that tried...” That was it, she didn't even tried to stop the rush of tears falling on her desk. Just like Christopher, Sean tried to get to know her. With all the training Team Rocket put her though, it hurt when people touched her. It could be a slight tap and suddenly she feel threaten. Like everything around her wants to dead, which... isn't far from the truth. “ ...And that did not end well. You are better off being a companion to someone that does understand. You can not fix me, you can't even save yourself. Why me, why the person that makes you feel like they hate you? Another thing, I don't hate you talking to me. Please, I actually hate when you don't. Explain to me why you do thing, tell me what you are doing before you do it! I don't understand you, I don't think I can. I can't talk, I need you

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