
Creative Writing: Swimmers

Decent Essays

“Swimmers step up,” the announcer was starting me for my first IM (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle). I stepped up to the block my knees shaky and I was feeling weak as my stomach was turning in knots. I tightened my goggles and stepped up to the block. “Take your mark” I bent down ready to leap off the block and then “BEEEEP”. Before I knew it I was in the water swimming butterfly in the icy cold water.

All that I had been feeling before was gone the shakiness, the weakness and my stomach turning in knots, all gone. What I was focused on now was swimming my hardest and fastest. I was kicking my legs as hard as I could and throwing my hands over my head in the butterfly motion. I didn’t think I would win but I didn't want to loose either. I was determined to get a good personal time if I didn’t get first. I was swimming the 50 butterfly as the adrenaline ran through my body. My heart was pumping and my mind was racing. As I was coming in for my last 25 in the butterfly my brain was only thinking negative thoughts again.
What if I mess up on my turn, what if I’m in last place.

I was trying hard to get the thoughts out of my head as my turn came up. …show more content…

The thoughts were swarming my brain like angry bees and I couldn’t get them away. The closer I got to the wall the worse it got all these thoughts racing through my brain. Everything was coming back the jitters and my stomach twisting and turning. I couldn’t do much since I was underwater but I tried what I could to calm down. I tried to just focus on swimming but the wall was getting closer and closer. The wall seemed to be closing in on me my mind was racing going in every direction not knowing what to do I

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