
Creative Writing: Why Remain Catholic?

Satisfactory Essays

Why Remain Catholic?

ONE day, while I was in a mall, a total stranger approached me and said, “Brother Bo, I watch your videos. You speak good messages. But are you saved?”

I rolled my eyes. I sighed, “Yes, I am.”

I knew what he was going to say next: First, he’ll say that because of our statues, we’re idol worshippers. That when we pray to Mary and the Saints, we talk to the Dead, which is Necromancy. That there is only one mediator between God and Man, and that’s Jesus, not Mary. That our doctrines are all man-made. And that all Catholics will go to Hell.

And true enough, he went down the entire list. When he was done, I smiled, “When you die and go to Heaven, you’ll be very surprised. Because you’ll see me there.”

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