
Credit Analysis On Credit Risk

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Credit Risk - Credit Risk is defined as the risk that promised cash flows from loans and securities which may not be paid in full. Mortgages represent a primary asset and are the main reason for credit risk at banks. In 2003-2006, banks took on very excessive risk when granting or purchasing mortgages and suffered the consequences. Mortgages can be insured by banks to decrease risk, but banks will often (especially after the credit crisis in 2008) choose to perform credit analysis on applicants, geographically diversify their loans, and incur the risk themselves. BOH is no exception, as they require an extensive list of documentation (pay stubs, W-2, tax returns, bank statements, current landlord information, etc.) their applicants must submit in order to be considered for a mortgage. In the BOH 2015 10-K report, they state the following: “In addition to implementing risk management practices that are based upon established and sound lending practices, we adhere to sound credit principles. We understand and evaluate our customers ' borrowing needs and capacity to repay, in conjunction with their character and history.”

Liquidity Risk - Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that a sudden surge in liability withdrawals which may require a financial institution to liquidate assets in a very short period of time and at low prices. Banks rely heavily on deposits from customers to accommodate withdrawal requests. If new deposits are not sufficient to cover the withdrawal

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