
Crime And Violence Of Mexico

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Crime and Violence in Mexico as we know it is all too common. The Drugs power and control is often heard way too many times. Drug traffickers often come from a childhood of poverty. But the battle for survival among cartels in Mexico, in which thousands of people, mostly in the drug trade or fighting it, have been killed, has only led drug traffickers to redouble their efforts to get their drugs to market in the United States. These Drug Traffickers all have one thing in common they all want territory control and want to be the number one organization. One of the most powerful Drug lords in today’s history is named El Chapo Guzman. He became Mexico’s top drug kingpin in 2003. He was considered the most powerful drug trafficker in the world …show more content…

He was never found until late last year in February 2014. He was found inside his fourth floor condo in a beach front condominium in Mazatlan Sinaloa. He was captured without a single gunshot being fired. Ray Sanchez. Evan Perez and Elise Labott, CNN (2014) In his years from 2001to 2014 his whereabouts were unknown some believe he was hiding in the Golden Triangle in areas of Sinaloa, Durango, and Chihuahua. this region is known for major production of marijuana and opium poppy in Mexico. It states in some reports that his security entailed of about 300 men and gunmen. His inner circle of men would help him move around the ranches nearby in the mountainous areas. He would usually escape authorities using bullet proof cars, aircraft and all-terrain vehicles. Alongside with sophisticated communications gadgets. Jo Tuckman CBS News (2014), Jeremy Bender (2014) Since many of these locations can be reached through dirt roads, residents could easily detect outsiders. Their distrust to the outside people and with a combination of bribes and intimidation kept the strangers out. Noticiero Televisa April (2011) Although he ran for a quite a long time, in February 22nd of 2014 , his luck ran out, the Mexican Navy along with joint intelligence and the U.S Marshall Service. All of these agencies came together and apprehend this individual. It is said that Guzman’s family is heavily involved in drug trafficking, with several members killed by Los Zetas and the Beltran

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