
Crime Control In The Criminal Justice System

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The criminal justice system is undergoing a significant change in the twenty-first century. The focus of our criminal justice system used to be on punitive principles. However, our criminal justice system is diverting towards being focused on criminal rights. When society was focused on the crime control method (restorative justice) the overall population was willing to give up certain freedoms to produce massive conviction rates against felons. John Worrall (2015) states this idea by comparing the idea of the Crime Control method to an assembly line. Worrall states, “The criminal process should be automatic, predictable, and in uniform. In other words, every criminal should be treated the same, with minimal variations in terms of change and sentences” (pg. 14). However, our society is diverting away from the concept of crime control and being redirected towards …show more content…

Ultimately, our criminal justice system should be based on restorative justice while operating under the guidelines of the constitution. However, the law enforcement community must establish alternate policies that correlate with what Paul states in Acts 3:19 by writing, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins might be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord”. Often, the criminal justice system fails to give opportunities to criminals once they have served their time. In 2005, a study tracked 404,638 prisoners after their release. From this study the National Institute of Justice concluded that, “Within three years of release, about two thirds (67.8%) of released prisoners were rearrested.” If the state redistributed its financial spending towards funding programs that adapted a concept focused on restorative justice and giving ex-criminals innovative rights (such as place of employment) then the recidivism rate, and ultimately criminal arrests would go

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