
Crime Dramas: The Departed

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Crime Dramas are a genre of movie that I enjoy. I enjoy this genre of film because there is action, intrigue, and mystery involved. Mostly they follow a police officer trying to find out a group of bad guys or a group of bad guys trying to outsmart the police. Normally, they have a solid good and bad guy established. A crime drama follows a path of setting up the main characters good and bad; then it gives us a way that they will either stop them or get away with the heist. Usually there is a loss to the main character, a wife or a long time partner, who unfortunately dies during an early attempt to catch the bad guy or as a result of that attempt. Sometimes the partners are very competent and almost super heroes, for example Bad Boys one and two. These movies mainly focus on the good …show more content…

A good crime drama that has broken from the formula is The Departed. It begins with an establishment of who the villain is and who the seemingly good police officers are. As we progress through the movie, there is some ulterior motives in one police investigator. Soon we see a scene, which is common in real life, of the main bad guy drives by as the detectives are interviewing a lady about her son who was killed and suddenly she has no information. We soon make the connection that he is not really trying to help bring down the gang activity when he makes a call and informs of a bunch of police trying to catch him in the act. At the same time, however, he is trying to find out information on someone in the gang organization that is either a rat or an undercover police officer, possibly both. This, for me, is a welcome change to the formula, in that the motives are not just about bringing down one top shot in the movie with car chases, explosions and gun

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