
Crime In Brazil Research Paper

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The continent of South America is known for its variety of music, literature, and its beautiful geography. Although this beautiful culture and cities are in the continent many people refuse to go there. This is due to the major crime and violence in Brazil (one of the best cities in South America). Even though the olympics will be held in Rio de Janeiro people are still not wanting to travel there. The crime and violence is affecting millions of lives in Brazil and drug-trafficking, gangs, and together with widespread availability of weapons are the main causes and to be solved they need to focus on gun control and the focus on poverty. The city of Brazil has had many crises. In 1894 Brazil had 2 crises a military one and an economical one. …show more content…

The first main reason of the crime is the the poverty level in Brazil. Although the economy Brazil is growing, the people of Brazil are not seeing the results. This is because the focus on poverty is very weak and the main focus is security. By being poor this is making a life of crime an easy outlet for criminals. By stealing and making money they are becoming less poor. This is what is leading to the above average crime rate. However by using the growing economy to help the poor they can eliminate a lot of the theft and murder. An example of using the economy for good would be building roads, houses, and even a homeless shelter. Brazil also needs to increase protection. Like I said they are focusing on security but if the focus on poverty is increased then the focus on security could be a lot easier and would be more effective. (Scuratovski De Gasperi 1) One of the main ways of murder is guns. Brazil has an awful gun control policy. If Brazil can do what Australia did with gun control then Brazil's crime would be gone. Australia had many gun massacres leaving over 100 shot dead in only a decade. Australia's prime minister John Howard’s first act was to pass a nation wide gun law reform. Fully auto rifles and shotguns were banned. This was done by two nationwide buybacks and large scale voluntary surrenders. Australia destroyed nearly one million firearms which was a third of the nations weapons. They …show more content…

One example was in 2003 the Family Allowance Program was started. It was designed to help Brazil lower the amount of people in poverty. This program gave low income families more money per month and in exchange the families had to keep their kids in school and basic health programs. Unfortunately, this failed because of the fact that some people did not receive the money due to geographical isolation, lack of information about the program, and bureaucratic malpractice but the big reason why this did not work was the because that people who had been poor there whole entire lives did not know what to do with the money so it would go to waste. Also, the people who received the money sometimes also went out and brought drugs or weapons with the money. Another attempt the government had tried was that in 2004 the Brazilian government created the National Public Security Force. This was designed to help strengthen the security and police. How ever the National Public Security Force have somewhat failed because the crime rate is still high but the homicide rate has gone down over the years so that is an

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