
Crime Reconstruction By Turvey: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Crime reconstruction, as defined by Turvey, is the determination of the actions and events surrounding the commission of a crime. Often times, a reconstruction is based upon witness accounts, the confession of a suspect, the testimony of a living witness, or by the examination and interpretation of physical evidence (Turvey, 2012). When examining the evidence of the young 7-year-old female victim, petechial hemorrhages along the neck are present. Turvey identifies petechial hemorrhages traumatic injuries from an offending force to the neck that cause an increase in venous pressure and an increase in capillary pressure that then causes damage to the inner walls of those capillaries. This damage produces minute points of bleeding which can be visible as pinpoint hemorrhages in the softer tissues (Turvey, 1996). It appears there is a lower line of bruising near the base of the neck that may have been cause by the initial tightening of the ligature, which then rolled up the neck. …show more content…

The positioning of these pressure marks appear that they may have been made by the killer’s left thumb (the triangular shaped abrasion) and index finger (the smaller circular abrasion above the victim’s right jawline) possibly during manual strangulation prior to the application of the cord around the victim’s neck. The markings on the inner palm of the victim’s hand appears to be a heart drawn in a red ink, this marking may have been present prior to the crime. The idea that the victim may have drawn it there herself cannot be out

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