
Crime Scene Process

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When an officer receives a call to report to a crime scene this is when the note taking process should begin. Upon arriving at the scene, it is imperative that he take every precautionary measure when approaching the crime scene due to officer’s safety. Consequently, it is important to locate the parties involved, such as the victim, the suspect(s) apprehending them, identify any witnesses by gathering any pertinent information pertaining to the crime committed. After controlling any dangerous situations or persons, the initial responding officer(s’) next responsibility is to ensure that the injured person(s) is provided medical attention while minimizing contamination of the scene. A phone call will be placed for medical person (EMS) and upon their arrival they will be guided into the crime scene to the injured or victim(s) to minimize contamination of the crime scene. Also ensuring that medical personnel maintains all clothing and personal effect. The initial responding officer will establish the boundary of the crime scene and the crime scene tape will go up immediately in an effort to maintain control. Once the investigator(s) are at the crime scene and have been advised of the situation, there are other team member that are assisting with controlling the crowd and securing …show more content…

In some cases, a simple crime may imply that there are more than one location to search where events took place. The primary scene is the first scene where the majority of the evidence is located, even if it is not the most significant and other locations is considered as the secondary scenes. A collection of evidence from both the primary and secondary crime scene is paramount. When collecting evidence from a crime scene, the investigator(s) main goals in mind according to Staines, Zoe is the 5Cs of investigation, which includes: collecting; checking; considering; connecting; and

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