
Crime Under The Influence Of Immigration Theories Essay

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Crime Under the Influence of Immigration Theories
Crime in the immigrant population has been a main topic of concern during this year’s presidential debates. Immigrants have been labeled criminals by political officials and talk of deportations have put fear in many immigrants across the United States. Although many news articles, research studies and statistical data have concluded that crime committed by immigrants are at a much lower rate than that of native Americans, the topic of immigrants committing crimes continues to surface. If the statistical research data is correct, then what is driving the topic of immigrant criminality in the headlines and political platforms? The evidence from newspaper clippings and journal articles suggest that the topic of crime has been used as a scapegoat to the real issue of faulty migration policies and processes. This paper takes a closer look at several migration theories, their structural processes, and the results of those processes that could influence criminal behavior of migrants.
Recent news articles support the fact that immigrants commit crime at a lesser rate than Native Americans. Baer (2016) reported that crime is lower in communities where immigrants reside. He cited a New York City case study from 1975-2013 which concluded that for every 1% increase in immigrants, 966 fewer crimes were committed. Statistical data in The Huffington Post shows that crime decreased in the United States as the immigrant population

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