
Crimes Of The Heart By Beth Henley

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Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley (1979) is a fictional, comical play about the individual hardships three sisters have faced in their lives, and the process of fixing the mess they all got themselves into. The characters in this playwright have all committed social crimes, with only two of the characters who actually commit legal crimes. This is where the title of the play is derived from. Some of the themes found in this play include death, imperfection, resentment, image, and hope. Henley’s play takes the audience on a rollercoaster ride with the three sisters in the southern town of Hazlehurst, Mississippi in the mid 20th-century. The three main characters in Crimes of the Heart are Lenny McGrath, Meg McGrath, and Babe Botrelle. Lenny is the oldest of the sisters and the play takes place during her 30th birthday. She is not married, and spends her time taking care of her sick grandfather who raised her and her sisters. Meg is the middle child who lives in California pursuing a singing career. Her career failed, she ended up being so depressed she ended up in a mental hospital, and she came home to hopefully get back with her ex-fiancé, Doc Porter, which little does she know is married with two children. The youngest of the sisters is Babe Botrelle, who is married to Zachary Botrelle, the most successful man in town, but very unhappy. She was recently arrested for shooting her husband, and is in the process of the legal battle. Babe’s lawyer, Barnette

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