
Criminal Investigators and Interrogations-Interviews

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To find the truth in any interview/interrogation it takes a skilled and qualified investigator. Criminal Investigators continue to learn every day. They find new techniques to approach an interview/interrogation, they learn new ways to talk to people, and the success of their interviews/interrogations depends on their ability to take what they learn and apply it. In order to develop great interview and interrogation skills, one must be able to communicate well verbally and non-verbally, be able to read body language, and know the facts of their case to be able to ask the right questions. To be a successful Criminal Investigator, one needs to have great interrogation/interview skills.
During interviews/interrogations a Criminal Investigator needs to listen and observe. Listening to verbal behavior helps the investigator determine whether or not the individual is speaking the truth or lying. When an investigator asks questions, it is crucial for them to watch how the individual reacts to those questions. According to John Reid Associates, there are cues to look for and listen for when conducting an interrogation/interview. Some cues are clearing of the throat, deep breathing/sighing, and nervous laughing.
During interviews/interrogations, Criminal Investigators need to be able to read body language. Body language is a key factor in determining if an individual is lying. When an individual is lying they show signs indicating the question that was asked sparked an

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