
Criminal Justice System: Rehabilitating The Offender

Decent Essays

Obligations the criminal justice system beyond containment, prosecution and punishment in my opinion would be to work on rehabilitating the offender. This can be a very difficult task at times. For one, funding is an issue to incorporate programs into the prison system.

A type of program that has proven to work and is only currently in California is Camp Kilpatrick, a Los Angeles County youth correctional facility. Kilpatrick was different from other county-maintained facilities because it fielded a football team that played small Southern California high schools (Almond, 1997). This program was the inspiration for the movie The Gridiron Gang (Banks, 2014). This program allowed incarcerated juveniles to play football. They learned about team building, self-esteem building and learning to work together no matter what the gang affiliation was. The program has been a success and several have gone on to become productive members of society. …show more content…

Not only does the program assist the prisoner but helps the dog as well. Inmates are taught by Kentucky Humane Society behavior trainers and earn $2 a day while on the job. Handlers learn professional skills that they can put to use when they leave prison, and are taught the responsibility and structure of a daily work environment (Maynard,

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