
Criminological Research Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Criminological research is known to be the foundation of criminological theory. In order for criminologist to effectively study crime, they must have the ability to collect criminal data and carefully analyze it in order to study it from a social perspective. The data that that is gathered by criminologist is used as an attempt to help them get a better understanding on what motivates a criminal to act in a criminal manner. By studying crime and criminal data, criminologist have the ability to get to the root of the crime and come up with effective ways to eliminate it. They are also known to find associations between crimes that are committed, the criminal who committed the crime, and how the law defines the crime.
“Measuring crime has always been one of the most difficult challenges facing criminal justice researchers.” (Maxfield, 1999) Criminologist feel that public information about crime is not very accurate because crime is both context and very time specific. When studying criminal data, criminologist can face many hurdles because with criminal data there are individuals who frequently commit crimes, but unfortunately they are never caught, whereas there are some criminals who commit their first offense and are arrested for it. As a result of this issue, arrest records don’t always reflect an …show more content…

There are various crime data sources that are available to them, however the two major sources commonly used in the United States are the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the (UCR) and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Both of these reporting systems are popular amongst criminologist today and they play a crucial role in studying crime. Throughout this paper I will briefly describe each of these data sources and the role that they have in studying crime. I would also do a comparison on their procedures and

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