‘’Is criminology "gender-blind" : women and crime’’
Brilly Amancio
Criminal Justice 212
Prof: Christopher Geraghty
Brilly Amancio
Is criminology "gender-blind" : women and crime( by and against)
Woman in Criminology has a really big change from back in the days till now.
Before woman where not that involved in crime either if it was in the good side
like being a cop, detective, lieutenant, or of it was in the bad side, as to being the
one committing the crime. Criminology, as with all academic disciplines, was a
male-dominated sphere. Men regarded the world through a very narrow lens, and
the experiences of women rarely provoked serious interest.
Back in the days woman
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According to Wikipedia
men are more likel to become incarcerated then woman would and this is their
their facts ‘’ In the United States, men are much more likely to be incarcerated
than women.
Nearly 9 times as many men (5,037,000) as women (581,000) had ever at one
time been incarcerated in a State or Federal prison at year end 2001. However,
women are the fastest-growing demographic group in prison. [1].
In 2004, males were almost 10 times more likely than females to commit murder,
including rape-homicides. However, men are also far more likely than women to
be the victims of violent crime, with the exception of rape. There my be a lot of
explanations for this like men are more likely to be more aggressive than woman
so they tend to get in more altercations and tend to act out of rage more than
woman do.
Young teenagers have become really popular in the juvenile system. The number
of female teenagers has increased a lot in the juvenile system as to the number of
female teenagers that are dropping out of school or just kicked out for their
irrational behavior. Still so male is the biggest crime predator in everyone’s eye,
everyone is conscious of how the number of female criminal has increased men is
still the number one target. I this unfair? Yes it is yes in a lot of cases woman are
treated harshly but like like in every case that males do.
The United States criminal justice system, an outwardly fair organization of integrity and justice, is a perfect example of a seemingly equal situation, which turns out to be anything but for women. The policies imposed in the criminal justice system affect men and women in extremely dissimilar manners. I plan to examine how gender intersects with the understanding of crime and the criminal justice system. Gender plays a significant role in understanding who commits what types of crimes, why they do so, who is most often victimized, and how the criminal justice system responds to these victims and offenders. In order to understand the current state of women and the way in which gender relates to crime and criminal justice, it is first
Male and female offenders alike are incarcerated every day for various reasons. Some commit violent crimes while others are arrested for drug use or public-order offenses. The difference between the two are the rates at which they are incarcerated, the length or harshness of their sentences, for the same or similar crimes committed, patterns of drug use, and previous correctional history. While men still lead in violent crime rates, 54.3 percent male verse 36.6 percent female, women are more likely than men to serve sentences due to drug-related offenses and other nonviolent property crimes (American Corrections, 2016).
While there are many similarities between male and female inmates, there are also many differences. The American prisons have been predominately male and continue to do so.
The system unable to adapt for such a small number in comparison to men, incarcerated women are expected to fit into an institution developed by men for men, resulting in worse conditions, less familial contact due to fewer facilities, and more rules as if the women were children, all direct reflections institutionalized sexism and HM both in and out of the corrections arena. Additionally, due to the Madonna-like factor, women who are convicted have a farther fall from grace within society and do not have the luxury of the “good old boy” connections for defense and protection. While gender roles and expectations are assigned by society, believing women should be equal to men demands the acknowledgement that women can offend like men (Pearson, 1998) and therefore should be incarcerated not ‘like men’ but in an equalized manner. Perhaps, rather than revamping institutions developed to house and rehabilitate women, we first investigate the standards currently in play for the policing, convicting and sentencing of men as the foundation of creating a nonsexist criminal justice
The reality is that there should be some differential treatment according to gender when it comes to the criminal justice
In beginning my research on females in the juvenile justice system, I was shocked to see how many of the new female juvenile statistics had increased and were gradually catching up on the juvenile male statistics. The numbers have been growing every year, and may soon surpass the numbers the boys have held for so many years. It makes me sit back and wonder what in the world is going on with our female youth in today’s society to cause such a slight, in some cases, to drastic increase depending on the offense. In this research paper, I want to examine the statistics for female youth over the last ten years to discuss what offenses are increasing over others, investigate the reasoning behind this increase in order to try and understand where these teens are “coming from”, and if there is a way for our society to be proactive in our female youths lives in order to prevent them from entering the juvenile justice system and one day adult prison.
Criminal justice as a “man’s field” is evolving, presenting high-paying, flexible career opportunities for women. For example, Condoleezza Rice is the first black woman to serve as the United States' national security adviser, as well as the first black
Females are said to be very emotional and if they were troublemakers at a young age they are said to possess “masculine traits and characteristics” (Siegal & Walsh, 2015). Males tend to commit crimes like robbery, assault and burglary. This has changed in the last decade. The rate of offending has decreased for males by 27 percent and females about 15 percent. “Girls have increased their
The number of women incarcerated is growing at a rapid pace. This calls for a reevaluation of our correction institutions to deal with women’s involvement in crime. Increasing numbers of arrests for property crime and public order offenses are outpacing that of men. The “War on Drugs” has a big influence on why our prisons have become overcrowded in the last 25 years. Women are impacted more than ever because they are being convicted equally for drug and other offenses. Female criminal behavior has always been identified as minor compared to Male’s criminal behavior. Over the years women have made up only small part of the offender populations. There is still only a small
Gender and Crime Sex is commonly used to describe the innate biological characteristics of humans constituting their femaleness or maleness. Gender on the other hand, covers the social characteristics and usages associated with one sex or the other. Since such roles and customs can vary and be modified it follows that masculine and feminine the terms applied to the respective genders are much more flexible than female and male. In order to cover the subject of gender and crime it is important to explain its prehistory and standing as well as addressing the extensive material which appeared in the modern
All feminist theorists share a common focus on gender inequality; however feminism can be described as a set of perspectives rather than a single viewpoint (Strider, N.d.). Therefore, challenging gender biasness in the criminal justice system from the feminist perspective can take many forms given the fact that there a lot of sources of gender inequality in the system. For example, the early theories of criminal behavior largely ignored gender all together and as a result the field has become largely male dominated and males have also been shown to commit more crimes than women on average.
Tong (1989) states Radical feminist only have to ask such questions as “who rapes whom?,” who batters whom, “ for whom does pornography exist, for the ultimate answer to the question to be, men!
Women have always been seen as a lower social class than males and are therefore identified as having limited privileges and rights compared to men.
Female Criminality consists of several outdated statistics regarding the rise of female offending. However, in viewing the current research on the subject, it appears that the overall theme of this dissertation's discussion is still relevant despite changes in the accompanying statistics as seen in viewing the following topics: the rise in female offending; the continual rise that females are committing more crimes than men; and the types of crimes that women are committing. In viewing Bruce Gross's 2009 article, "Battle of the Sexes: The Nature of Female Delinquency," as well as Elizabeth Cauffman's 2008 article, "Understanding the Female Offender," one can begin to see where current statistics regarding the female criminal lie.
Most of the theories of crime was developed to explain male crimes by male criminologists. For decades, women offending challenges traditional theoretical explanations of crime, which were developed to explain male offenders. There were a few debates that indicate the concern of whether the theories were being used equally to explain both female and male crime. Criminologists came to a conclusion that the traditional theories are male-specific theories. For that particular reason, they argue that those theories are not suitable to explain female crimes. However, both the social process and traditional structure theories explain a gender neutrality in crime. They also give a better understanding for both male and female crime.