
Critical Access Hospital

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activities system-wide must be kept to a minimum. Finally, the system must yield high quality information. Quality is a major aspect of data integrity as this is the element of the system focused on giving current as well as accurate and consistent data at any time and in every location information needs to be accessed. Determining the Success of the System To determine if the system is successful it must be measured against a specific set of standards and them it must be determined at what level those standards have been reached. First, the organizational impact of the system must be determined. This can be evaluated by asking the following questions: Has a higher level of quality care been obtained? Have financial benefits been …show more content…

Hartley titled, “Project management for critical access hospitals” does not approach achieving this support through the correct process. Hartley endorses promoting changes in the systems culture and then adding to that change (Hartley, 2013). Obstacles are then removed and a vision is created which enables the development of a strong coalition resulting in a feeling of urgency (Hartley, 2013). While this process will eventually achieve the desired results, it is must more convoluted than necessary and an easier path exists. A superior approach to support is promoted by Simon Sinek. Mr. Sinek states that most companies explain what they do, they how they do it and finally why the do it (Sinek, 2010). For example, a computer company might say something along the lines of, “we make computers, they are beautiful, would you like to buy one?” (Sinek, 2010). This is very uninspiring. The better approach supported by Mr. Sinek is to reverse the process. Explain why you do what you do, how you do it and what you have to offer (Sinek, 2010). The same computer company using Mr. Sinek’s theory would say instead something like, “we do everything we do because we believe in thinking differently, we challenge the status quo by making products that are beautiful and unique. We make computers, would you like to buy one? The change in approach is opposite to what most utilize yet profound in its

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