
Critical Analysis Of Alice Walker's The Color Purple

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After intuitively analyzing the text, one can conclude that Walker was very profound in asserting her desired theme and meAs widely acknowledged as The Colour Purple is, there are copious amounts of critical commentary on the text, commending the work, Walker’s prose, and the prevailing topics in society that it tackles. A scholarly article was conducted by author Wendy Wall that extensively examined the epistolary form of The Colour Purple by Alice Walker, and asserts that the protagonist Celie uses writing as an outlet for her emotional, physical, psychological, and mental worries, and becomes internally stronger as a result of it. Wall also contends that although writing for Celie helps to define her identity and sense of self, it impedes her emotional growth as it engages private communication but limits the verbalization of her needs and fears. In her article, Wall laments that, “through the depiction of rape, genital mutilation, and wife-beating, The Colour Purple abounds with instances in which the human body is made to submit to and register to the forces of authority.” In other words, patriarchal oppression is exercised by the submission of the female body into powerlessness. The author also affirms that through writing, “Celie learns to reshape those forces of oppression and to define herself through her letters.” Comprehensively, Wall asserts that Celie’s character development and search for an identity and a means of escaping her oppressive environment, is

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