
Who Is Langston Hughes?

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Langston Hughes is one of the major African American literary figures of the twentieth century. His composition involves poetry, fiction, the short story, autobiography, and criticism. The greater part of Hughes' written work focuses on the account of the black man in America; his delights, distresses, and expectations. The story is told with a sadness for the occasions that have oppressed him however with a feeling of positive thinking for the better world that Hughes knows will come sometime in the not so distant future. Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, on Feb. 1, 1902, and grew up with relatives and family in Lawrence, Kansas, following his parents’ divorce. Be that as it may, he learned lessons in perseverance and pride from his grandma; the stories she told were loaded with deference for the Negro race and for individuals who worked, conspired, and battled. From this experience, as Hughes said in his auto-account, he took in the futility of crying. In 1915, Hughes rejoined his mom in Lincoln, Illinois, where he was chosen class artist in the language structure school. The respect was presented, as Hughes clarifies, because white individuals think Negroes have mood and since a sonnet has cadence, Negroes must have the capacity to compose verse. The next year Hughes moved to Cleveland, where his stepfather worked in the steel factories and his mom functioned as a server. Here Hughes composed lyrics in the way of Paul Laurence Dunbar and Carl Sandburg and contributed

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