
Summary: Critical Diagnostic Review Of Schizophrenia

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Critical Diagnostic Review Paper of Schizophrenia

History of Course of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia was named in 1911 by Swiss Psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler, but it is thought the disorder has been around for a much longer time. Although not called schizophrenia this disorder has been traced back to papyrus from 1550 B. C. Egypt and Stone Age skulls found with drill-like holes. The common theme of most behaviors of early times was madness. Neel Burton found madness was often thought of as punishment from God/the gods, and Hippocrates believe it a result of an imbalance in the four bodily humors and could be cured by special diets, purgatives and blood lettings (2012). There were times in history when religion became a cure for people plagued with these illnesses and most often asylums and monasteries become the treatment centers.
The disorder continued to mystify and Sigmund Freud believe it was a result of unconscious conflicts from ones childhood (Burton, 2012). Tertiary syphilis was often thought to be the cause of the psychotic symptoms of the disorder as they both share many of the same symptoms, but this was found to have infectious agents which gave thought to there being more than one factor in the reasoning behind the diagnosing aspect. The first to differentiate Schizophrenia from other issues was Emil Kraepelin. In 1887 he termed the disorder “dementia praecox” or dementia of the young, as he believed this was an illness of the brain like dementia but instead of

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