Schizophrenia: A Diagnostic Perspective Schizophrenia is a psychological disease with an unknown treatment. Its onset starts in early adult hood on average. There are many studies showing links to genetics and environmental causes. In this paper I will discuss many of the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia along with how it is diagnosed, imaged with MRI, and the difficulty in treating this disease. More treatments for schizophrenia may be revealed with the further advancement of imaging technology. Schizophrenia is a disease that affects the most complex structure in the human body, the human brain. The more research that is continued on the smaller segments of the different areas of the brain with imaging modalities the closer we get to …show more content…
The brain is composed of mostly grey and white matter. Grey matter contains most of the neuronal connections for the brain. It can be found on the outer surface of the cerebellum and around the spinal cord. “Observations have been made of reductions in the size and total neuron numbers, but not in neuronal density,” (Höistad, 2009, p. 3). This is an outstanding discovery when analyzing schizophrenia. White matter contains many neurons as well. Researchers pay close attention to these neurons and the myelination of the axons. “Interstitial white matter neurons have been found to be increased in prefrontal white matter and temporal white matter in subjects with schizophrenia, supporting further the presence of a neurodevelopmental abnormality in schizophrenia,” (Höistad, 2009, p. 3). This means that they white matter neurons never became myelinated and mature in parts of the brain. Problems like these can mess with the connections in the brain between neurons. Research like this highlight schizophrenia as being a developmental disorder of the brian, but more research is being done including other areas as well. “The pruning of axonal connections during brain development and maturation may be necessary for adequate formation of appropriate neuronal circuits,” (Höistad, 2009, p.
Schizophrenia is a brain disease. Many studies have been conducted regarding the brain localization of schizophrenia. One study established that schizophrenia is characterized by significant loss in the grey matter of the brain. The loss was detected to be up to 25% in some areas and the damage was seen to begin at the parietal (outer) regions of the brain then spreading to the rest of the regions of the brain over a period of about five years ADDIN EN.CITE Rajagopalan1998923(Rajagopalan, MacBeth, & Varma, 1998)92392317Rajagopalan, MMacBeth, RVarma, SLXXY chromosome anomaly and schizophreniaAmerican Journal Medical GeneticsAmerican Journal Medical Genetics64-65811998( HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_9" o "Rajagopalan, 1998 #923" Rajagopalan, MacBeth, & Varma, 1998). Another study showed that patients who had the worst loss of brain tissue also exhibited the worst symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations, psychotic and bizarre thoughts, hearing voices, depression and delusion ADDIN EN.CITE Conklin2002797(Conklin & Iacono, 2002)79779717Conklin, Heather M.Iacono, William G.Schizophrenia: A Neurodevelopmental PerspectiveCurrent Directions in Psychological ScienceCurrent Directions in Psychological Science33-371112002Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of Association for Psychological Science09637214 HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_2" o "Conklin, 2002 #797" Conklin & Iacono, 2002).
(Salinger 173). Holden has molded his life around this fantasy and fails to realize that
Schizophrenia affects about 2.5 million Americans and 24 million worldwide. However, not everything is known about the mental illness. What part of the brain Schizophrenia affects and the different types of tests used to detect it. What medications have shown the best results, but what are their side effects that may come with? Is it worth the risk? Also what are all the possible ways Schizophrenia can be instigated?
This paper defines schizophrenia from a biological and psychological perspective and also provides treatment to help combat symptoms of schizophrenia. This paper has three important contributions. First, by defining and expanding on schizophrenia from a biological perspective, I can identify the nature related predispositions. After expanding from a biological approach, secondly, I will analyze schizophrenia from a psychological aspect by determining if there is any environment or nurturing externals that can result to schizophrenia. Lastly, I will provide treatment details and also reveal early signs to schizophrenia. This paper is important because schizophrenia is an epic mental disease and it is crucially important to bring awareness to the public of how we can limit the illness. It is unclear whether schizophrenia have only a biological background or psychological background, but what was discovered is that both contribute to schizophrenia. Positive and negative treatment can be combatted undergoing pharmaceutical and psychotherapy,
Over the last few decades Schizophrenia has become embedded in mainstream vernacular as any behavior or emotional response that is out of touch with reality. However even with its popularity heightened through movies and headline news stories, schizophrenia is still one of the most enigmatic and least understood disorders of the brain. With current research focused on the role of neurobiology and functioning on a cellular level, investigative analysis has merited new innovations towards its source, however a single organic cause for the disorder still eludes scientists. Although the foundation of the affliction is still unknown, its effects are well documented and over the next few pages will show the changes in the brain as the disease
Changes in key brain functions, such as awareness, emotion, and behavior lead experts to conclude that the brain is the biological site of schizophrenia. Some important risk factors to consider are genetics, viral infections, fetal malnutrition, and stress during early life, childhood abuse or trauma, and drugs.
I chose to write my research paper over Schizophrenia. It is a psychological disorder that I have always found fascinating. It is a serious disorder that consumes a person's life and is nearly impossible to control. In this paper, I will talk about the definition of Schizophrenia, the diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia in children, suicide, sexually related characteristics of the disease, sleep disorders caused by the disease, differences in the disease on different ethnicities, and insensitivity to pain.
Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that is the base of several psychological symptoms. There are many people out there who suffer from this disorder and have no idea on how to cure it. Some people tend to spend their whole life with this disorder; whilst others get it treated as soon as they see first sign or symptom of it. Schizophrenia is not a disorder that cannot be treated; with the right kind of treatment, the disorder can be controlled and the individual suffering from it can be cured. The paper will discuss the schizophrenia disorder in detail, causes, risk, signs & symptoms, and treatments of it.
The symptoms of schizophrenia vary, however, they have been categorized as positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. Positive symptoms may include hallucinations, delusions, and / or thought disorder. Hallucinations normally give a false perception of touch, smell, taste, and / or visit, those with this particular mental disorder often experience auditory hallucinations. Delusions are also a sign of schizophrenia. Open quotations delusions are beliefs that are not part of the person's culture and do not change. Quotation parentheses u.s. Department, print the seas, 2010. These may cause a person that has this disorder, to think or feel as if they are victims in imagine conspiracy. It is also shown that they believe they are being controlled
Patients with schizophrenia resulted to having antibodies in their systems while the other group did not. (Grison, Heatherton, and Gazzaniga, 2015, p. 521). Other researchers have presented arguments of their being abnormalities in the neural transmitters. (Grison, Heatherton, and Gazzaniga, 2015, p. 521). Dopamine is one neural transmitter researchers have taken a major interest in because medication given to schizophrenics blocking the dopamine transmitters seem to help calm the severity of the symptoms of a wide number of patients. Although doctors are not yet certain of the cause of schizophrenia they are certain of the fact that people with schizophrenia have less brain tissue due to having large ventricles.
(Szasz,1982, p.4, p.29) In 1900, the term schizophrenia, now used worldwide, was used to describe the condition that one out of every hundred people had. This statistic remains the same today. Through research and years of study, the world has a better understanding of schizophrenia, its forms, characteristics, symptoms, types, possible causes, and treatments, if any. ( Pierce, 1990. p.263 )
One of the most important findings in schizophrenia is an abnormal hippocampal structure (Weiss et al., 2005). Evidence from post-mortem examination and patient’s brain imaging have shown the decreased volume and the presence of an abnormality in the shape of the hippocampus (Bogerts et al., 1990; Nelson et al., 1998; Wright et al., 2000; Shenton et al., 2002). These neuroimaging findings have also been observed in individuals in the first episode or prodromal phase of schizophrenia (Shenton & Gerig et al., 2002). Structural imaging studies have suggested that reduced hippocampal volume is extended through the frontal to posterior regions, and it is not restricted to a particular region of the hippocampus (Weiss & DeWitt et al., 2005). Studies have shown differences in morphology (size, organization, shape) of hippocampal neurons (Benes et al., 1991; Arnold et al., 1995; Zaidel et al., 1997; Shenton & Gerig et al., 2002).
Schizophrenia is a severe, disabling and chronic disorder that affects people. Schizophrenia is diagnosed as a psychotic disorder. This is because a person suffering from schizophrenia cannot tell their own thoughts, perceptions, ideas, and imaginations from the reality. There is continuing debate and research as to whether schizophrenia is one condition or a combination of more than one syndrome that have related features. People suffering from schizophrenia may seem perfectly fine until the time they talk actually talk about they are thinking. People with schizophrenia rely on others for help since they cannot care for themselves of hold a job. There is no cure for schizophrenia, but there is treatment that relieves some of the symptoms. People having the disorder will cope with the symptoms all their lives. There have been cases of people suffering from schizophrenia leading meaningful and rewarding lives. There are five types of schizophrenia namely paranoid, disorganized, residual, undifferentiated, and catatonic schizophrenia. This paper will discuss paranoid schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe disorder which is equal in both Men and Women and affects one percent of the worlds population, it is the most common mental illness (Carlson 2014). Schizophrenia is the suffering from a split mind which can start at a very early age and remain as a lifelong disease. (Tsuang 1982) In the UK currently 250,000 people are suffering from Schizophrenia. (Crow 1991) There are several symptoms which are found in Schizophrenics which are characterised by positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. However some people may differ differently due to their diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Some individuals may show all the symptoms listed, whereas others may only display a small number of them. (Jones et al.) In addition, the description of the symptoms of Schizophrenics indicates that the disorder has been around for thousands of years. (Jeste et al.1985). According to the Biological approach, Schizophrenia occurs due to brain abnormalities which involves the absence of normal behaviour. Although, due to Schizophrenia being strongly genetic and heritable, the presence of unusual behaviour may be due to underlying biological factors. (Carlson 2014) The main types of biological treatments available for Schizophrenia are Electro convulsive therapy (ECT) and Psychosurgery, however there are other drugs therapies available for Schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is diagnosed in 0.5%-1% of the population in their lifetime (van Os et al, 2010). Its literal translation is ‘split-brain’, though it does not refer to multiple personality disorder, but rather a split from reality characterized by its disturbed perceptions, disorganized thinking and inappropriate emotions (Myers, 2010). Much research has been carried out to gain a better understanding of the causes of this serious disorder. A popular theory is the diathesis-stress model. This theory of schizophrenia proposes that stress can elicit a pre-existing vulnerability to the disorder (Jones & Fernyhough, 2007). This model focuses on the interaction between genetic heritability of the disorder, and the environments interaction