
Schizophrenia Diagnostic Perspective Paper

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Schizophrenia: A Diagnostic Perspective Schizophrenia is a psychological disease with an unknown treatment. Its onset starts in early adult hood on average. There are many studies showing links to genetics and environmental causes. In this paper I will discuss many of the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia along with how it is diagnosed, imaged with MRI, and the difficulty in treating this disease. More treatments for schizophrenia may be revealed with the further advancement of imaging technology. Schizophrenia is a disease that affects the most complex structure in the human body, the human brain. The more research that is continued on the smaller segments of the different areas of the brain with imaging modalities the closer we get to …show more content…

The brain is composed of mostly grey and white matter. Grey matter contains most of the neuronal connections for the brain. It can be found on the outer surface of the cerebellum and around the spinal cord. “Observations have been made of reductions in the size and total neuron numbers, but not in neuronal density,” (Höistad, 2009, p. 3). This is an outstanding discovery when analyzing schizophrenia. White matter contains many neurons as well. Researchers pay close attention to these neurons and the myelination of the axons. “Interstitial white matter neurons have been found to be increased in prefrontal white matter and temporal white matter in subjects with schizophrenia, supporting further the presence of a neurodevelopmental abnormality in schizophrenia,” (Höistad, 2009, p. 3). This means that they white matter neurons never became myelinated and mature in parts of the brain. Problems like these can mess with the connections in the brain between neurons. Research like this highlight schizophrenia as being a developmental disorder of the brian, but more research is being done including other areas as well. “The pruning of axonal connections during brain development and maturation may be necessary for adequate formation of appropriate neuronal circuits,” (Höistad, 2009, p.

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