
Critical Thinking Process Analysis

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what drives the thinking and decision making process? Critical thinking is an intellectually disciplined six step process that allows a person to think more rationally by gathering and using evidence. Being able to think critically helps a person from making blind decisions and also allows them to recognize and see through nonsense. Critical thinking is useful in everything including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It gives people the power to question everything they see, hear, and read. The six steps in critical thinking are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Remembering is the lowest step of the process. It involves recognizing or recalling things that occurred in the past. The …show more content…

It also means taking a bunch of different ideas and finding a connection between them. Each of those steps is driven by a person’s moral principles, or ethics. Everyone’s ethics are different, however, there may be some similarities between them. Ethics show what a person believes in and their thoughts and ideas are heavily influenced by their beliefs. My personal ethical lens is the results lens, which means that I listen to my intuition (sensibility) to determine the greatest good for each individual (autonomy). According to my assessment, my primary concern is protecting individual rights and I believe that it is the best way to make sure everyone is treated fairly. However, my blind spot is overconfidence in self-efficacy, which means I am satisfied with too little good. In other words, so long as my needs are satisfied, I can become complacent, leave problems unresolved and also leave everyone else to fend for themselves. My personal ethics influences my decision-making because it allows me to utilize past experiences to shed light on current

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