
Critically Reading and Analyzing Essays

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Research journals and the information provided within the pages of these articles must be critically analyzed and read. There is a series of steps in completing both tasks. However, at the start it is vital to ensure that the journals, topic information, and authors are all credible. This process is also necessary to make sure that the credibility of this information is professionally supported and held to a scholarly standard. In support of my research topic, I selected an article that I have deemed a credible source. I will demonstrate through a ten-step process of critically analyzing a journal article. The title, Math Wars 2: It’s the Teaching, Stupid, by John Marshall, published in the Phi Delta Kappan (2006). The analysis used is a …show more content…

The publishing of this information in this article denotes that the article is a peer reviewed or profession periodical. The Phi Delta Kappan is an accepted peer reviewed journal among many academic institutions. Also, the date of the publication is located on the face page along with the copyright information. Next, the source and information within this article is current and relevant to the topic under study. This is the first and only publications of this article; this makes the ideas fresh and new. However, there are several other articles referenced on this topic which makes this a topic of interest among the professional, scientific community. The publisher of the Phi Delta Kappan is known for accepting articles that are reviewed and have met scholarly standards. Finally, the journal or periodical writing style is intended for a professional audience. The research information is factual with an accepted method of research technique. After careful review of this article, I have decided that this article is credible and supports my research topic. At this point, I have performed most of the work included in the preliminary stages of critical reading of research articles. The first stage is previewing and determining legitimacy. This involves checking the author’s credibility, confirming the work as peer reviewed, checking the reference list for credible references of other professionals, and the timeliness of the information. The second stage is to have

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