
Critique of School Based Programs

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Introduction Life Skills Training (LST) is a school based intervention; the goal of the program is to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use along with violence. This is done by targeting major social and psychological factors that increase the start of substance abuse and additional risky behaviors. Substance abuse problems are multifaceted; LST addresses multiple risk and protective factors.
Core Components
The core components of the program teach 1) personal self-management skills; that encompass decision making and problem solving; it helps to identify the problem, to define goals, and to come up with alternatives, along with consideration of the consequences. 2) Social skills; help to improve interpersonal skills, and enhance self-esteem, the material helps participants overcome shyness and how to be reciprocal in conversation and other interactions verbal and nonverbal. 3)Drug-related information and skills; this part of the curriculum concentrates on attitudes and knowledge relating to drug use, normative expectations , and skills for resisting drug use influences from friends and the media Botvin, & Griffin (2004).
Institute of Medicine
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) classification system sometimes referred to as a continuum of services, care, or prevention, classifies prevention interventions according to their target population. In the case of the LST the IOM classification is universal; universal prevention methods address an entire population (local,

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