
Substance Abuse : Alcoholics Anonymous, Smart Recovery

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Psychoeducational groups relating to additions or substance abuse are designed to assist participants in their stages of change, learn about recovery, provide information to families to understand behaviors, and to assist participants with resources and skills (U.S Department of Health and Human Services, n.d). Psychoeducational groups will support participants and encourage them to take responsibility for their actions. These groups will utilize different methods to replace addictive behavior and practice mindfulness to work on any cognitive impairment that their addiction has produced (U.S Department of Health and Human Service, n.d). In addition, substance abuse or addiction psychoeducational groups provide participants support and peer confrontation. Other members are able to support the group by offering education about what has worked well for them, or what has not work well. The group processes also provides emotional support for members to assist in personal recovery.

Formation - Leah

There are several different kinds of psychoeducational groups for addictions: Alcoholics Anonymous, Smart Recovery, Nar-Anon, and so many more. Although those these groups may focus on different types of addiction one thing they all had in common to decide how the group was to be formed. Each one group has their own unique why on how it is ran, but according to to Hepworth, Rooney, Dewberry-Rooney, and Strom-Gottfried success of a group rests largely on the thoughtful creation

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