
Cross Curricular Approach Essay

Decent Essays

When the new minister for education and skills in Wales proposed his 20 step plan for the future of education there was a large emphasis on the cross curricular approach to teaching focusing on literacy and numeracy. Cross curricular approach involves teaching a topic or subject with contributions from multiple subjects to motivate the students to learn. Minister for Education and Skills has made raising standards of literacy and numeracy in schools a priority. In his keynote address ‘Raising Schools Standards’ on 29 June 2011, to the Institute of Welsh Affairs, he announced the intention to introduce a new National Literacy and Numeracy Framework for all learners aged 5 to 14.
Literacy and numeracy skills are absolutely essential in order for young people to reach their potential whether they are planning to enter further or higher education or the employment market. The National Literacy Programme and the National Numeracy Programme set out the actions the Welsh Government intends to implement to improve literacy and numeracy standards in Wales. The plans for a statutory national framework and for a …show more content…

The National Teacher Research Panel participated in a project to determine how a child’s education benefitted or was impacted by cross curricular teaching, their results included; there was evidence that there was an increase in the quality in the areas of questioning, self and group reflection, sharing of ideas, consensus and awareness of task of student learning. Many students became increasingly aware of the ‘thinking skills’ that they had developed were being used. A small minority further more became confident in using these skills in various other contexts. The researchers noticed that there was an increase in the general confidence of the students when it came to making suggestions, criticising or questioning assumptions and tackling tasks. (Price,

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