
Cross-Sectional Review

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Studies for this review were collected using databases such as Google Scholar, Science Direct, and BioMEd Central. Peer Reviewed literature was examined from 2005 to 2015. A total of forty-five studies were examined with ten being used for this review. Cross-Sectional studies and reviews of longitudinal studies were used. Data was collected using primary sources that are first hand observational. Data was collected from questionnaires, interviews, assessment waves, surveys, and focus groups. Most studies were cross-sectional studies (Garcia (2014), Morleo (2013), Lui (2014), Nash (2005), Barnow (2002). Reviews of longitudinal studies were also examined (Jester (2014), Visser (2012), Humskey (2010). A longitudinal study was examined (Degenhardt …show more content…

There arises a legal and ethical issue in using them for tests and experiments to identify the link between stress and other factors with alcoholism. The reviewed research met the legal and ethical expectations by providing consent forms for the parents of the participating children to sign. The participants used are also the willing children and participating on voluntary basis. The research also receives approval from ethical bodies to go on with the research. However, IRB was not discussed in all studies. In Morleo et al. cross-sectional study, the child and parent were provided with verbal and written consent, children over the age of sixteen provided consent for themselves. The Ethical Committee of Liverpoool John Moores Univeristy approved this study. Degenhardt et al., (2015) prospective cohort study, informed written parental consent. The Ethics in Human Research Committee of the Royal Melbourne Children’s Hospital approved all data collection in this study. Researcher Nash, McQueen, & Bray (2005) provided informed passive parental consent to four school districts the other two districts required active parental consent. The Baylor College of Medicine Institutional Review Board approved all of the study procedures and materials for this study. Humensky (2010), there was no consent form, however, the University of Chicago Social and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board approved the …show more content…

This was used to collect information from the adolescents. The SSAGA was used to establish the alcohol related problems associated with the adolescents (Barnow et al., (2002). S.G. Nash et al., (2005) used three waves of longitudinal school-based studies focusing on alcohol use among adolescents. The monitoring the future (MTF) national survey was used Liu et al. study. Granville-Garcia (2014) used a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire. A two-stage cluster sampling procedure was used to select the study population (Degenhardt et al., (2015). Visser et al., review of longitudinal studies, used databases (Medline, PsycINFO, and EMBASE. Morleo et al., (2013) used surveys from fourteen school events. Janssen et al., used focus groups for the qualitative study. The National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health (AddHealth) obtained the data for Humskey’s (2010) study. Assessment waves and the Beverage Opinion Questionnaire were used to assess data in Jester et al.

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