
Cry The Beloved Country and Apartheid Essay

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The novel Cry the Beloved Country was a prophecy for the future of South Africa. It alludes to and sometimes even blatantly states the conditions necessary for the end of apartheid and the beginning of peace. South Africa in the 1940's was in trouble. Kumalo, a priest, was able to see through the prejudices of the world and assess the situation. When inconvenient to involve Kumalo in the investigation, the depth of South Africa's disparity was illustrated directly through the stories of horrifying happenings in character's conversations. Finally, we see that Msimangu was Paton's voice in the novel. When certain conditions were met Msimangu [and Paton] theorized that peace would finally be plausible in South Africa. As the reader begins …show more content…

but at least [we are] free of an old ignorant man, who is nothing but a white man's dog" (CTBC, p67). And so new conflict is presented: the black mans struggle against the white mans oppression. It is also established that its resolution definitely does not lie in the reunification of the tribe: "It is breaking apart, your tribal society. It is here in Johannesburg that the new society is being built" (CTBC, p67). Despite these setbacks, Kumalo remained steadfast in his principles and manner of speech regardless of where he was and who he was talking with.(abstract) For instance, he maintained his politeness in spite of the ramifications of his brothers iconoclastic suggestions (as illustrated above): "...who knows what angry words might have been spoken, but Stephen Kumalo was quick to intervene. Here is the tea, my brother. That is kind of you" (CTBC, p69) Somewhat similarly, when he is speaking with Absolom's to-be wife, he loses himself briefly, but returns adamant to correct his errors according to his principles: "I am sorry... I am ashamed that I asked you such a question... do you truly wish to marry my son?" (CTBC, p147) These constants allow us to view all parts of the book from a single perspective and follow the progression of thought as if it were our own. Therefore, the power of Kumalo's ability to assess the situation at hand in a valid and believable way provides the facts and issues the prophecies of this book are meant to

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