
Cultural Appropriation Of African American Culture Essay

Decent Essays

During my research titled, Cultural Appropriation of African American Culture a dominant social class were the recurring factors that influenced and affected African American culture. This group is called white supremacist, who belief that members of the Caucasian race is superior to all other races. White supremacist fears the mixing of races; which has lead to the genocides of the following races: Indians, Hispanics, and African Americans. The men responsible for these heinous crimes are honored in American History; they have schools streets, and buildings displaying their names.

White supremacist desire for economic worth, success, and their entitlement complex has led them to enslave and oppress millions. The founding father wrote and spoke of library, equality, and freedom for individuals. Yet, they owned slaves. The founding fathers were hypocrites! The Constitution and Declaration of Independence was written for the wealthy Caucasian elite male. Under the Constitution African Americans were reduced to property; they were recognized as only three-fifths of a person.

White supremacist hatred for African American still affects many of us presently. African Americans have turned against each other as a resulting from years of being whitewashed. During slavery, African American skin complexion was a …show more content…

African Americans and Latino youth are experiencing educational inequalities. These students aren’t provide with proper books or books discussing their history. Standardized testing and academic courses aren’t preparing students for the real world. Funding for these schools are going towards security such as: school resource officers, metal detectors, and cameras. As a result, educators aren’t receiving the necessary funding and resources to support their students. These students are placed at a disadvantage, which significant affects their educational

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