
Cultural Differences Between Australia And Jamaica

Satisfactory Essays

The cultural differences in our society greatly affect our way of living on a daily basis. Because of this it is important to learn the different societies and cultures so we understand and respect them. The purpose of this essay is to compare two countries and explain their differences or similarities. I have chosen to compare Australia and Jamaica. The two dimensions I have chosen to discuss are power distance and individualism/collectivism. The first dimension I would like to discuss is power distance. Power distance is the fact that individuals in their society are not equal. Jamaica’s has a low score of 45. This means that power is decentralized and in the workforce managers are dependent on their team members. Australia has an even lower score of 36. This is a hierarchy system. It means that the managers should always be available and they depend on their teams for their expertise. It is expected that you should seek advice from your manager and other employees for information. …show more content…

Individualism is oriented around being independent instead of being associated with a group. Australia has a high score for individualism of 90. This means that are a highly individualist society and people look after themselves and their families. In the business world, people are supposed to have the initiative to work independently and promotion is based on how well you have done. Jamaica has a low score of 39 which means their country is collectivistic society. In collectivistic society all decisions benefit all people. This society recommends strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for their group. In the business world, the decision to hire or promote someone is decided on based on the employee’s in a

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