
Cultural Differences Between Saudi Arabia And The United States

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Although Saudi Arabia and America are allies, they differentiate with their own set of unique customs and traditions. In the American culture, the media is a free press that sometimes issues ‘uncontrolled’ information to the public, often resulting in debates. The Arab media, however, is monitored by the authorities, and sometimes with the command of the Islamic clergymen. The media in Saudi Arabia is often manipulated and censored. Another difference is teach country’s religious beliefs. In the United States, Americans have their own individualistic view on faith where each person is entitled to decide what religion they wish to worship. Americans can even decide if they want to practice a religion or not. However in Saudi Arabia, the retention of the …show more content…

Public worship by adherents of religions other than Islam is forbidden. Finally a major difference between Saudi Arabia and the United States is the ruling of government. In the United States, the type of government is an example of a democracy of the representative or indirect type. The citizens have the opportunity to choose representatives of their states by electing them. The representatives then take the citizen’s view to vote on the election of the president. The government in Saudi Arabia is a Monarchy. The head is a king, whose eldest son succeeds him in the event of his death. The king can also select an heir to his throne. The monarchy is hereditary. Unlike in the United States government, the citizens of Saudi Arabia do not hold elections to choose their king.
Women equality in Saudi Arabia has been an issue for many years. The women are treated very unfairly in comparison to the men

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