This course has given me some tools I previously didn’t have. It has also opened some doors of knowledge I didn’t know where available for me, as a nurse. I feel more powerful understanding the “money” side of the business and having preliminary understanding of the appropriate steps in healthcare entrepreneurship. Some nurses don’t want to get involved or been aware of the administrative/ business part of their job. I don’t agree with that and consider the business/administrative part as one of the most important. I understand this class doesn’t give me the full understanding and will not provide all the knowledge I may need to manage an organization but it does provide the exact steps one may take if want to gain all that knowledge and been
I chose to take this course because I am preparing to transfer and this class meets the UC art requirement. Also this class doubles for me as my last major requirement for a second AS degree in behavior and social sciences. Although there was actually one other class (LALS 14) that I could have taken that fulfilled those requirements I picked this course because it looked like it offered something entirely different to what I have already received thus far in my educational journey. My end goal is to become a nurse one day and I want to make sure I chose classes that will expose me to different things and enable me to become well-rounded and educated
I believe I have become more cynical over the years of being in health care and going through this course has not helped that very much. I often think to myself “Why am I in a customer service oriented job?” The entitlement people expect is mind blowing. However, I also think that my perception of health care is growing positively because of the different class and subjects that have been touched on throughout this course. I have a better understanding of the process it takes to get a law passed in our government, how to outcomes, and how to design a facility floor plan. Health care is changing quickly with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the amount of patients with the ability to get medical care. The amount of providers was not increased to help handle to large increase in patients. Patients are struggling to make appointments in a timely fashion because of the increased volume of calls on the call centers or front office staff. Patients are waiting longer periods of time to get an appointment because of the increased volume of patients. Doctors have the ability to not be enrolled as a provider in health care plans and that limits the availability of doctors that are able to treat patients on Medicare and Medicaid.
It is my first time to have this kind of course where everyone can learn and experience interacting with other students of the health care team. I believe this is an important program where a student can have an in-depth understanding of the other professions. It gives them a sense of
The additional course work enhances the student’s professional development, prepares the new nurse for a broader scope of practice, and provides the nurse with a better understanding of the cultural, political, economic, and social issues that affect patients and influence health care delivery.” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2012, p. 1)
Health Care System and Organization, it’s very important in the health organizations become culturally competent in many ways, such as Evidence Based Practice (EBP) which means using a clear care plan that are carefully designed for the patients, and are evidence based sources of research and clinical results, and patient preferences that are comforting the patient feels and creating connections, and trusting more about their health care provers, this reduces the personal practice of this how I do gap, because patients and providers are not same beliefs most of the time, so providers need to be open to new cultural encounters, and to practice culturally based health
Cultural Competency, widely known as the ability to understand the differences between cultures and how one can assess and effectively respond to each patient’s cultural diversity. Cultural competency is something that can be applied far and wide to many different professions, but its importance is strongly present in the healthcare industry.
The importance of Cultural Competency when working with a diverse population within health care is extremely important. It’s a major part of health providers jobs to be respectful and mindful of their patients culture and or background. The health provider should acknowledge the patients beliefs, traditions and religion to be sure the patient is as comfortable as she or she can possibly be. After all the patient is seeking help because he or she is not feeling well or needs some sort of medical attention, so of course it should be the health providers best interest to not but more stress on the patient or make them more uncomfortable then what they already are. There can be a few pitfalls if a health provider completely ignores the patient’s
As the diverse populations of the United States (U.S.) continues to grow the need for cultural competency in healthcare delivery requires culturally competent healthcare providers. Each population has its own particular norms and practices that guide their lifestyles; therefore, a challenge arises for health care providers to learn to provide culturally sensitive care to clients from diverse cultural backgrounds (Waite and Calamaro 2010). The ever changing population of the U.S. signifies a much needed change in health care delivery to different cultures. The U.S. Bureau of Census (1992) predicts that by the year 2020 only 53 % of the population will be of white European decent.
Throughout this program, each class has really broadened by skills and knowledge to prepare me for practice as a family nurse practitioner delivering excellent evidence-based medicine. The first class where we learned about the role of the advance practice nurse really set the tone for what to expect as a provider and what each role entails. Moving on to the theory class, it was discovered how much nursing theory really plays a part in caring for patients. My knowledge was increased on the different theories and how one can relate them to patient situations by participating in discussion questions and preparing papers. Also, it was known that theory is what guides research to better patient care. Pathophysiology was really the building block for the makeup of the human body. One has to be proficient in knowing how different systems in the body function and how they can be affected by other processes. By reading the provided textbooks, writing papers, and participating in discussion with other classmates, my knowledge of pathophysiology was taken to a new level. The 2 advanced nursing classes really reinforced common problems that can affect different parts of the human body and how care should be managed for these conditions. There was an abundance of learning during these 2 classes that really helped prepare us for clinical rotations and
What is cultural competence? When reading our book and looking at scholarly articles for me to sum up what I think cultural competence is, I found myself rereading each definition over and over. To me cultural competence is understanding that each person is unique and their care should be as well. Truong, Paradies, & Priest (2014) state “cultural competency is a broad concept used to describe a variety of interventions that aim to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of health care services for people from racial/ethnic minorities”. It is important for a healthcare worker to not stereotype a person based on their appearance or race. Not all people that appear alike believe in the same things. In their article Patient-centered care:
Health care disparities in the United States occur on the provider level. The implicit biases providers are susceptible to help shape physician behavior and produce differences in medical treatment across a host of demographic characteristics but mainly along the lines of race and ethnicity. This paper focuses mainly on the relationship between providers and Black Americans. There is a complex and historical relationship between providers and Black Americans which dates back to the 16th century that is the basis for the biases physicians exhibit towards this particular minority group in today’s healthcare system. Contrary to popular belief, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study in 1932 is not the forerunner to a host of medical abuses committed against
Healthcare managers are responsible for ensuring that their organization has a plan or strategy that is geared toward eradicating health inequality through cultural competency. Best practices are of utmost importance in assuring cultural proficiency. Buchbinder and Shanks (2012) outlined these practices in their textbook Introduction to Healthcare Management: a diverse workforce, leadership and organizational culture that fosters cultural competence as well as human resource policies which do the same, appropriate training/education for all employees, linguistic services and materials, systems capable of tracking data with regards to health outcomes, and responding to and engaging the community (p. 321). Additionally, a Commonwealth Fund study provided a list of actions that diversity leadership should adhere to in accordance with the National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards. Aside from employing a culturally diverse staff and patient services and regular re-evaluations of goals, healthcare leaders engage and report their progress to diversity goals the community (Dreachslin, 2008). Inasmuch as cultures change and evolve, it is suggested that cultural competence training be an ongoing process and that organizational policy and strategic plans be reassessed periodically for effectiveness (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). Time, revenue, and energy spent in interventions that do not bring the desired results is not
The text list several factors that contribute to healthcare disparities, social, economic status, access to medical care, lack of insurance, unemployment, lack of knowledge of healthcare processes and procedures within society, transportation issues and many other factors that contribute to healthcare disparities. Being knowledgeable of cultural competency has several advantages, cultural competence provides relief to the patient when the patient feels comfortable with their physician a bond is developed and patients are less likely to file malpractice claims. Displaying cultural competency increases the quality of services and patient satisfaction.
Cultural Competency can be described as one’s ability to learn about cultures other than their own. It speaks to the value one places on diversity and their desire to foster an open exchange of ideas between dissimilar cultures. While in a perfect world, cultural competency would be of heightened importance in all aspects of life, there are certain industries where cultural competency factor more heavily; one of those being health care. This is especially true in areas with increased diversities of cultures, ethnic groups and a variety of languages.
The school provides professors who have real life experience in the healthcare industry so that students can not only learn what the textbook teaches, but also how to deal with real life situations that people have gone through. It is equipped with all the tools I need to make a positive impact on the world. With the healthcare industry constantly changing and constantly growing, it’s critical that students like me learn how to adapt to these changes. The Bloustein School provides all the resources necessary to keep up with the dynamic nature of healthcare. After receiving my bachelor’s degree in Health Administration, I am interested in getting an MBA in Healthcare Management. With all the resources that The Bloustein School has to offer, it will give me the foundation that I need in order to further my education, achieve my goals, and demonstrate the commitment and ambition needed to create a healthier world that is affordable for