
Cultural Heritage In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

Decent Essays

In “Everyday Use”, written by Alice Walker. Walker feels that heritage is an important role in life, and it should be passed down onto the next generations. Walker suggests we keep our cultural heritage going and start to appreciate it. Meanwhile in this story, Mrs. Johnson, Dee, and Maggie goes through a cultural experience amongst each other. It is important to always have a cultural event to remember and always share among each other. “In real life I am large, big boned woman with rough, man working hands.” (Walker 424) “In the winter I wear flannel night gowns to bed and overalls during the day.”(Walker 424)
Mrs. Johnson described herself; she was a single hardworking mother of two daughters. Dee which was the oldest, who thought she was …show more content…

Johnson older daughter Dee from college, Maggie starts to get discouraged and wants to run back inside. Dee Then arrives yelling as she walked up “Wa-su-zo-Tean-o!” (Walker 426) which is a greeting in Swahili; Dee brings along a friend Hakim-a-barber who says “Asalamalakim” (Walker 426) which means Peace beyond to you. Dee then tells her mom her name is not Dee its “Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo” now. (Walker 426) Mrs. Johnson wanted to know why she would change her name; and her name was passed down from her aunts and grandparents. “Wangero” which she wanted to go by from now on, was trying to live in her cultural heritage. Wangero comes in the house demanding things from her mother’s house. She went to calling out things and she didn’t even know who made what she just wanted it. She then went up stairs and found some quilts that had been stitched by her grandparents and there even was a piece of grandpa’s uniform form the civil war on that quilt. She went begging for the quilts and mom told her to get one or two of the other ones. Wangero didn’t want those. Mrs. Johnson was tired of Dee making her comments and she then knew she must give them to Maggie; someone who knew the history behind their cultural because Dee didn’t she was not into the culture like she claim she

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