
Cultural Influence On Pain Perception And Behavior

Good Essays

a. The first article I found was called “Cultural Influence on Pain Perception and Behavior.” The journal talked about how sociocultural context can influence a person experiencing pain. The journal looked at childbirth pain, perception of acute pain, and perception of chronic pain between different ethnic groups. It concluded that pain is heavily influence by cultural background. It pointed out the possibility of a disparity between pain expression, and pain interpretation by the medical professional due to cultural differences. The article also stated, “the Clients’ scores on the pain intensity scale is less important than a sense of satisfaction about how the pain is being managed because in many cultures, pain is an expected and accepted part of life.” (Callister, 209) This was directed to nurses but can also apply to any healthcare professional that deals with pain. Though the way we perceive pain is different what is more important is being able to manage it.
I think this articles echoes Dr. Brand’s views on pain. In his book Dr. Brand compares how two different worlds deal with pain. He talks about how our society has conquered pain and suffering yet are less able to cope with the suffering that is left. He noticed in India people expected and accepted pain as part of life while in the western world we avoid pain at all cost. There are stories of people in India receiving treatment without flinching while others in America would get worked up about receiving a

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