
Women's Pain Perception in Childbirth

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This is a study that focused on eighty-three women and examined the effects of cultural and educational influences on the pain in childbirth. The eighty-three women are divided into Middle-Eastern women and Western women. The women ranged in ages from nineteen to thirty-eight. There were thirty people from the Western group and that consisted of women whose mothers were born in Europe, the US or another English speaking country. There were fifty-three women from the Middle Eastern Group and that consisted of women whose mothers were born in Asia, North African or another Middle Eastern countries. The women were classified by the cultures but were also classified by their level education. Those who had twelve years or less of schooling were in the low education group. Those women who had more than twelve years of schooling were in the high education group. In the Western group sixty-six percent were in the high education group. While the Middle Eastern group only had thirty-three point nine percent in the high education group. In order to perform this study they recorded their information they received from the procedure. The four measures were pain perception, behavioral ratings, extroversion and the Miller Behavioral Style Scale. Pain perception is a scale ranged from zero to one-hundred that is used to rate the labor pains. Behavioral ratings were used based on Meisles-Iticksohn and was rated from zero to four. A zero meant that no behavior was observed and a four meant

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