
Cultural Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Culture is beauty. The incredible variation in language, religion, thought, art and cuisine that exists in our small planet among our fellow human beings is simply breathtaking. I desire to meet individuals from as many cultures as I can; to experience as many places and foods as possible; to learn of all the religions and understand their ideas; to speak and understand as many languages as I possibly can and to see the natural beauty this entire planet has to offer. This is why, with the help and support of my family, I have begun to work towards these ambitions to live what I feel is a fulfilling life. I have been incredibly blessed to experience some of these things thus far.

I have been so lucky to encounter the beauty of culture through …show more content…

As an only child, the many adventures I have had with my amazing parents has brought us so much love for one another. I have learned to be so incredibly grateful to have the family I do, who have introduced me to traveling and who have been just as open as I am to learning of new cultures, foods and ideas.We now share so many memories; times when we laughed at ourselves for breaking every rule in the South African guide book and times when we were all stressed together when we had to run to make our train in Paris or times when we could all just appreciate together the beauty of a landscape in Switzerland. Now, from hosting exchange students, I have an ever growing family to love and appreciate. I consider both of my exchange students my own sisters. Their families as well have been incredibly kind and loving to me. I was so amazed to find that my first sister from Spain became one of my bestfriends. I learned to love someone as if they were within my own family who had grown up in an entirely different country speaking a different language. Her parent have invited me to live with them in the spring and have done so much to ensure I will learn Spanish when I arrive. My new exchange sister from Italy has given me so much love since she arrived. We have become incredibly close as I help her learn English and she teaches me what

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