
Cultural Universals Of American Culture

Satisfactory Essays

Cultural Universals(Kyrgyzstan) The world is full of many different places and culture universals , this paper will open your eyes to a place called Kyrgyzstan and will show how different their culture universal is compared to America's. Kyrgyzstan was founded in 1878 as the Russian fortress of Pishpek. "Kyrgyzstan Culture." It is a Central Asian country which has natural beauties and a proud Nomadic tradition. Some natural resources that can be found in Kyrgyzstan is gold, rare metals, oil, and locally exploitable coals. Due to their dry climax and the fact that Kyrgyzstan water comes downstream the people of Kyrgyzstan are forced to consume contaminated water from streams and wells. "Kyrgyzstan." If you click on the word MAP you will

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