
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics

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Personal Values In today’s society, we live our lives and make our future depending “on what we believe has value.” What we do with our time, our money and our lives are all directly influenced by our capacity to make clear, balanced and valued decisions. Each individual brings a set of personal values into the workplace. These values and the moral reasoning associated with them translate into behavior that are considered important aspects of ethical decision making in organizations. For example, the family background and spiritual values of managers provide principles by which they carry out business. Moreover, people go through stages or levels of moral development that affect their ability to translate values into behavior. …show more content…

Robert Jackall (1997) states that today’s businesses have created a "society within a society" in which there is a set of ethical standards that is not consistent with those of the larger society. Consequently, the current capitalistic society often goes along with these special societies, as long as they are successful. For example, for five years in a row Fortune magazine hailed Enron as one of the most innovative company. However, we not know that personal integrity and reputation took a back seat. There is often a tendency to stretch the standards for larger and complex organizations. As with these organizations, when faced with moral and ethical dilemmas, we experience situations in which professional responsibilities come in conflict with our deepest values. Managers and employees face ethical dilemmas daily in organizations. When choices are unclear, individuals will more than likely violate long-held basic values. How dilemmas are managed can have a significant impact of the organizational success.
Culture, a set of values, beliefs, common understanding, thinking and norms for behaviors that are shared by all members of a society, provides guidance to societal behaviors profoundly impacts decision making. It varies in distinct and significant ways as it affect ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. In the past, many people believed that organizations were beyond the influence of culture. It was thought that

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