
Self Assessment

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Everyday we ask ourselves, “Did I make the right decision?” Whether it is in regards to family, friends or co-workers we constantly do self assessments. Self-assessment is defined as a process through which individuals gain knowledge about themselves. This includes information about their likes and dislikes as well as their reactions to specific situations. By knowing more about themselves, individuals can be able to determine the work situations and occupations that are most appropriate for them. There are several lessons that can be learnt from self-assessment in relation to individual decision making. This research paper will examine reveal the lesions learned from self assessment. We will observe of the influence of the American …show more content…

Hence, it clear that the ACHE standards provide a comprehensive ethical direction for health service professionals. Despite the beneficial effects of the standards, a thorough analysis of the ACHE code was done. It points out the fact that it fails to sufficiently address various ethical issues pertaining to managed care. This forces us to probe our personal ethics at a deeper level.
Individual ethics refer to the ability to differentiate what is right from what is wrong. This may entail personal values, norms and beliefs. The influence of individual beliefs and values as well as the values of the coworkers has a great impact on an individual’s decision making (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2006). While some organizations encourage their employees to come up with ethical choices, other organizations lead to promotion of immoral conduct within their employees. There is an assumption that many people make choices which are grounded on their personal values and beliefs. According to social scientists, there are various factors that influence ethical decision making, and individual factors are among the significant factors to consider.
One of the great challenges encountered in relation to organizational ethics is that of individual ethical values. Individual factors are essential in the resolution of ethical issues of concern.

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