Everyday we ask ourselves, “Did I make the right decision?” Whether it is in regards to family, friends or co-workers we constantly do self assessments. Self-assessment is defined as a process through which individuals gain knowledge about themselves. This includes information about their likes and dislikes as well as their reactions to specific situations. By knowing more about themselves, individuals can be able to determine the work situations and occupations that are most appropriate for them. There are several lessons that can be learnt from self-assessment in relation to individual decision making. This research paper will examine reveal the lesions learned from self assessment. We will observe of the influence of the American …show more content…
Hence, it clear that the ACHE standards provide a comprehensive ethical direction for health service professionals. Despite the beneficial effects of the standards, a thorough analysis of the ACHE code was done. It points out the fact that it fails to sufficiently address various ethical issues pertaining to managed care. This forces us to probe our personal ethics at a deeper level.
Individual ethics refer to the ability to differentiate what is right from what is wrong. This may entail personal values, norms and beliefs. The influence of individual beliefs and values as well as the values of the coworkers has a great impact on an individual’s decision making (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2006). While some organizations encourage their employees to come up with ethical choices, other organizations lead to promotion of immoral conduct within their employees. There is an assumption that many people make choices which are grounded on their personal values and beliefs. According to social scientists, there are various factors that influence ethical decision making, and individual factors are among the significant factors to consider.
One of the great challenges encountered in relation to organizational ethics is that of individual ethical values. Individual factors are essential in the resolution of ethical issues of concern.
Past research has discovered that managers react to ethical dilemmas according to the situation. If specific values that are related to ethical behavior can be identified, they would offer strong tools for managers who want to retain high standards of ethical behavior in their society.
Decision-making in the field of psychology refers to a cognitive process that results in a selection among multiple possible solutions in a situation (Colman, 2008). Decision-making is based on available information from the environment as well as intrinsic information and existing schemas (Rogerson, Gottlieb, Handelsman, Knapp & Younggren, 2011). These internal schemas, along with knowledge and personal preferences, influence the decision-making process. Ethical decision-making differs from "normal" decision-making in that ethical standards influence the decision maker 's choice (Rogerson et al., 2011). Numerous professions and organization adhere to some form of ethical standards including business,
Business ethicist Kirk Hanson says that “ethical dilemmas are inevitable,” occurring more in the first year as a professional than in succeeding years (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, 2011, 0:55). As a business professional, it’s very likely that I will face an ethical dilemma, or even multiple ethical situations throughout my career. This is why, as Hanson explains, “you need to be aware of what your own values are” when confronting ethical dilemmas (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, 2011, 1:15). It’s important for me to know my own values because they will provide a foundation for my decision making when involved in an ethical conflict.
I was influenced the way I determine different actions or behavior in a particular situation since I was a child. Growing up with a Baptist mother and four brothers made me value different things and behave in a particular way. In addition, this made me a have a particular ethical system that influences the way I work and act as an individual. At the corporation level, ethics is important because they set the rules and policy. In this paper, I will explain the developmental aspects of my ethics as well as my ethical system, the effects of my ethics at my workplace, and importance of ethics in an association to achieve its goals.
The Code of Ethics furnishes a definitive model of conduct. The standard of conduct is entrenched in associations, affiliations, confidentiality, and commitment with health care professionals. The Code of Ethics for healthcare quality professionals is dedicated to routine enhancement and preserving integrity by identifying individual accountability and ethical obligation to patients, medical providers, employees, health care organizations, and the community (Oddo, 2011). Ethics are not voluntary in the health care field. They are a vital and central part of medicine. Ethical codes form and assemble moral atmosphere and allotting the ethical accountability and
According to Conte, Weiner, and Plutchik, the average score for most people, regardless of age, is 8.5. My score shocked me a little because I would think I worry about death a lot but consider to this questionnaire I am not that concern. I scored a 3, it was lower than the average score that these researchers found. I believe my score was low because I am deciding to make plans for my future and if I decide to get marry and have children the will not have to worry about anything except live their life and work hard. I want to get all of my debt settled and pay out all the bills so that my family would not have to worry. I do not believe anyone would forget about me because there will always be photos and videos to remember me by whether it
Personal values may conflict with ethical decision making if those personal values are different than the organizational norms of the business or institution. Constructing, and maintaining personal ethics in the workplace rests with the individual, and how willing he or she is in assimilating to the evolving cultural dynamic of the corporate world. Many times a person find their personal, cultural and/or organizational ethics conflicting and must reconcile a course of action that will mitigate cognitive dissonance. In order to be a productive member of society, in small groups and globally, one must reconcile these conflicts on a daily basis and continually move forward while maintaining personal integrity and
Self-assessments can be a personal benefit, as they allow one to better understand how they communicate, how they form relationships, and even how they learn. They are tools that help people comprehend aspects about themselves that they weren’t initially aware of. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Johari Window technique, and the Pillow Method are examples of these assessments. In this paper, I will use these three self-assessments to analyze and explain the ways in which I communicate and interact with people.
Over the quarter, I have completed 14 self-assessments that have opened my eyes to who I perceive myself to be and how this can affect my future career path. All 14 of these assessments focused on an aspect of my personality that is embedded and seen in how I view situations and how I conduct my daily life. I took the self-assessments very seriously and asked my family members and current housemates for feedback throughout this process. Some of these assessments confirmed my personal thoughts on the matter and few of the assessments opposed and revealed new qualities about myself that I had not thought of. Overall, this was a revolutionary experience and I would suggest thing process to anyone who wants a clear vision of him/herself.
Individual factors helps to understand the reason for some people perceive specific action to be unethical whiles others do not. However, the decision-making cannot simply be explained in terms of these individual factors, because after all several people seems to have ‘multiple ethical selves’ (Trevino and Nelson 2007:180) – that is, they make different decisions in different situations. Situational factors accepted to be the most important.
Personal difference and preference can impact organizational ethics is such a way where people can end up getting hurt. Personal difference and preference is one’s own way of how they think or how they feel about someone or something. Organizational ethics is the understanding of values of how an organization can integrate morals and main beliefs that differentiate right from wrong in the organization. (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011, p.34) When integrating personal differences and preference with organizational ethics it maybe dissimilarity within the organization because not everyone believe in doing and saying things in
This online self-assessment helps me understand my own personality trait and Emotional Intelligent. This information will benefit me in a short and long-term goals, in my personal and professional environment. Additionally, by implementing this knowledge I can identified my abilities, likes and dislikes, gain self-confidence and overall wellness and much more. Moreover, by knowing and understanding the way my personality traits and EI may impact some areas of my life, like the way I understand others and myself, my motivations, emotions, and behaviors, and the way I interact with others. On the other hand, this knowledge will also help me to handle people, colleagues and customer, by becoming more self-aware, respectful of others, and by knowing and managing my own emotions, as well the emotions of others. In addition, this knowledge will help me appreciate, understand, and create a positive work environment with less personality-related stress and misunderstandings.
After having an internal self-assessment, I realized I wanted to go to the gym more often. Being a college student gave me a sense of independency I did not receive will in grade school; however, this freedom became a blessing and a curse. No one was telling me when to go to bed or to go to every single class, but there was also no one encouraging me to eat healthy or exercise more. During the first few months I made it to the gym around once every week or once every two weeks, but I wanted to increase that frequency. Through this project my target behavior was to increase the amount of times I went to group exercise classes at the gym.
This assignment will investigate whether it is completely appropriate that personal ethical standards are influenced increasingly by corporate culture, as people move up the organisational hierarchy. Section 2 reviews the meaning of culture and describes an important subcomponent of culture called rite of advancement. This follows with a look at the factors that influence decision-making in organisations in Section 3. Section 4 provides a critical discussion using real life examples about the results of unethical decision
We all have personal ethical values which guide us between right and wrong in our daily life’s when dealing with ethical dilemmas. Similarly, in an organization the approach taken is to institute a set ethics set of rules to prevent or control ethical lapses by employees. The big difference between personal and organizational ethical values is that in an organization it is predefined by leadership, and in our personal life its constantly developing and changing. For me, my family and faith plays a profound role in who I am as an ethical person, and the development of my core values. While growing up, my parents always emphasized on thinking about what are the consequences of my actions on others, so that I could develop self-awareness. Also, growing up in a religious Sikh family, I was tough the importance of doing Selfless Service “Sava” so that I always stay grounded and develop thoughtfulness towards others. Today as I grow older, I will admit that my personal ethics are still being developed and shaped, but there are a set of core values that been engraved in me by my past experiences. They are: equality, honesty, self-awareness, and thoughtfulness.