
Curriculum Should Change Its Curriculum

Decent Essays

TGUISS should change its curriculum. This is what I think about this school.
Today, the Japanese university entrance test is becoming difficult and the system is changing too. Many examination candidates have to study a lot and therefore the amount of time needed for preparation of the test becomes inevitably longer. If so, we must spend the time as wisely as possible to pass the test. Currently, our school does have lessons of the subjects that we may use in the entrance test, but the lesson is not really for the test. In the test, what we get asked is the basic knowledge. Thus the amount of the knowledge you have is very important. What our school does in the lesson is make students think a lot. I do believe that thinking is important, nevertheless, I think high school students have to study for the test. TGUISS should change its curriculum and I say this because for one, to prepare fully for the entrance test, two, to have basic education and three, to make the status of the school even better. …show more content…

Therefore, we have to study with the right curriculum to prepare fully for the test. However, current curriculum in TGUISS is not very helpful. The lessons in our school try to make us think a lot and this is because the school says that thinking skill is very important when becoming adult. True, I do think thinking skill is important but before that, I think we have to study the things for the test to become a university student before becoming adults. Surely, the reason why people go to cram school is because they can study exactly the things that you need for the test. Why cannot we do a lesson like cram school and then add lesson that make us think? Studying with the right curriculum is very important to pass the entrance

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