
Testing is Overrated Essay

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Students dread the time of the year when they stop with their course material and begin to prepare for test. Everyone is in agreement that some type of revolution is needed when it comes to education; eliminating standardized test will aid the reform. The need for standardized testing has proven to be ineffective and outdated; some leading educationalist also believe this because the tests do not measure a student’s true potential. This will save money, stop labeling, and alleviate stress in students and teachers.
Now more than ever, money is scarce and one way to increase this money supply is by the elimination of standardized testing. The cost for standardized testing in 2nd graders is roughly estimated to be between $2-$4 million, and …show more content…

These tests tend to cause the student’s too much stress and puts pressure on them to obtain a certain score on these test that are required on a yearly basis. Teachers also set aside too much time to teach strategies for taking the test and lecturing on how to eliminate some choices. According to Kathy Frandle this is “A huge waste of instruction time” (Fridy). Furthermore, the unneeded stress generally leads to a state of anxiety and it is “setting too many of them up for devastating failure and, consequently, lowered self esteem (Perrone).
Each state teaches their students different material at different rates and this is why some states place pressure of testing companies to “dumb-down” the test (Margie). Each state’s tests are created by the state; therefore, they can make the test as easy as possible to make everyone succeed on it. Some states have districts in poverty and cannot afford the best textbooks or technologies; therefore, their students do not reach their potential. When these districts have scores that are too low they do not receive federal grants; therefore, this puts them into a further bind.
Standardized testing does not occur at the college level where someone might assume that it would be mandated. When someone is taking a test to enter a college, wouldn’t it be logical for a

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