
Cursive Writing Persuasive Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Why we don’t need cursive writing Only seven states in the US teach cursive California, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, and North Carolina. In my opinion cursive writing should not still be taught. First of all there’s no time with the busy teachers to teach cursive, only seven states still teach it, and you really only need it for your signature. To start off, having no prier knowledge could you grandparents read it what about you kids and in school there’s no time for teachers to teach it with how busy they are with notes and helping and everything that teachers have to do during schools hours. Teachers are always walking around, either helping students or going to get something or someone. Teachers have a busy day ahead of them with math, science, reading, history with all of those there’s no time for cursive anymore. Secondly, only seven states still teach cursive these day can you believe that only seven out of all 50 states teach cursive. For one thing students think its to hard to write it so they just end up quitting. Obviously, they end up never learning there cursive, kids just gave up these days and don’t care about there cursive writing. I am certain that almost all kids don’t want to learn cursive they just give up and start not caring about there signature and …show more content…

So why do we learn how to write almost all the letters when we should only learn how to write our name in cursive. Cursive isn’t really necessary if we only need it to write are signature, but most people never write in cursive they just write normally. Like my parents they just write there name normally on everything except when they put there signature down if its when they are buying something or getting taxes etc. So really what is the purpose for cursive I mean it goes way back in the day when cursive was actually used all the time, but now cursive is gone in most people. Those people just say bye-bye to

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