
'Cybersexism' By Laurie Penny

Good Essays

In a country where freedom of speech is at the foundation, one would think that women are free to express themselves in whatever manner they see fit, including online. In contrary to this belief, sexism has been evident in many social media platforms online. It seems impossible to live in a world where sexism does not exist. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram are home to sexist remarks and arguments between strangers, celebrities, friends, and acquaintances. In the article, “Cybersexism” by Laurie Penny, she claims that the Internet was made to be a gender free environment but that over the years the Internet has not become a safe place for women. While Penny makes a few valid points, like the Internet sexualizing …show more content…

People now a day have access to the world in their pockets, their homes, at school, and practically everywhere. With this access one would like to think that the Internet would be a welcoming place for everyone. However, as stated in the article, “It turned out that the Internet wasn’t for everyone…It was for boys, and if you weren’t one, you had to pretend to be, or you’d dismissed” (Penny 255). By stating that the Internet is exclusively for boys would be taking away the rights women have today. To say that only men have access to all the knowledge the worldwide web has to offer would be taking away their rights to a full education, work, and other opportunities in life. In today’s world, education is slowly leaving physical textbooks behind and moving on to electronical forms of access to the course materials the schools offer. High schools and middle schools are starting to offer iPads and laptops to students to use for educational purposes in classes. Claiming that the Internet is a world made for men would mean that in these schools, women would not be allowed to receive these educational benefits in learning. Research papers would have to be done the old fashion way of going to the library to check out books rather than going online and using databases to find the sources for that paper. After years of fighting for the privileges they have, women should not have to feel like the …show more content…

It is something that is not just exclusively for the societal man, but for women too. Everyone should be able to enjoy the benefits of looking up a random question and immediately receiving the answer to it. The tools and benefits that come from entering the worldwide web is beneficial to everyone. The world is changing and will continue to change, but a major change that needs to occur is the idea that the technological world is exclusively just for men. Women should not have to hide behind a computer screen and pretend to be a man to enjoy these benefits. They should not have to be fearful of who may be lurking or peeping her profile. Women everywhere should proudly express themselves online however they please because the Internet is for everyone. Society should not determine who is allowed to access what. The sexist world that everyone is living in has to look past the old ways of thinking and stop belittling minorities and allowing them to freely voice their opinions, and share their thoughts and lives with the web. Times are changing; society is falling behind and needs to finally catch

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