
Cycle Of Oppression

Good Essays

As teachers, we operate in a world of assumptions about the communities that we work in, the students that we serve, and ourselves. Most of us live in a world where the assumptions remain a hidden subtext in our lives, as something that dictates how we interact with others but yet does not actually come to the surface. Because we are not critically aware of these forces, we assume that this is the way that things are supposed to be, never asking if this is working to oppress other people. Unfortunately, because teachers are not critically aware of the damages that these assumptions, in the form of biases and privilege, can cause to students, they allow a cycle of oppression to continue when do not fit into the ‘perfect student’ ideal. When …show more content…

For some reason, teachers had given up on these kids. Though it may not be true, some of the students that I talked to even said they felt that the teachers were “out to get them.” Though it is easy as a pre-service teacher with lots of hope to believe that a teacher would never purposefully want to disadvantage a student, I noticed that Kip was having problems with teachers taking him seriously when he said that he wanted to do anything to bring his grade up. I also noticed that he was constantly getting in trouble with problems that he really had no control over, like being late because his bus did not get in on time. Whereas students who did not have his background may have gotten the teacher’s benefit of the doubt, Kip automatically got written up. With a student who had already been expelled, any referral like this can mean punishment, and it can also cause harm psychologically, reinforcing this image that he is messed up in some unredeemable …show more content…

Even well meaning teachers, once they learn that these students have attended the Academy, will expect these students not to accomplish much when they get back. Some days, during tutoring, we would simply try to finish an assignment with no directions and no references. It was hard for me to complete, so I can only imagine how these students felt when they try to attempt the assignment on their own. In all of these instances, teachers may be providing an equal education, they may be giving each student the same type of education, but ultimately, they are not providing an equitable education. They are not giving students enough support to help them truly succeed at the same level as their

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