
D-Day Normandy

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D-day was one of the largest amphibious invasions in history and was an important turning point in the war. Code-named “Operation Overlord”, the battle of Normandy lasted from early June 1944 to late August 1944. In military terms, D-Day means a date and H-Hour is the time of the landings. It took the allied troops 17 hours to cross the English Channel. Germany occupied northwestern France beginning in May 1940. America entered the war in December 1941, and by 1942 they and the British were considering a major invasion across the English Channel. Code names were given to all five beaches where the landings took place, they were: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword. The Americans went to Utah Beach and Omaha Beach, the British at Sword and Gold …show more content…

The eyes of the world are upon you.” Allied aircraft about 7.2 million pounds of bombs on D-Day. When the invasion started, Hitler was asleep. No one wanted to send re-enforcements without his permission, and no one wanted to wake him up There were around 350,000 resistance members in France, but only about 100,000 had functional weapons. Two “mulberries”, or temporary harbors were built to unload supplies. 21% of wounded allied troops were operated on within an hour on D-Day. Even though it was over 70 years ago, 4% of the sand on the beaches of Normandy are still made of metal particles from the landings. Many things were done in preparation for the invasion. The invasion was planned for June 5th, 1944 but was postponed for weather. Maps used to train for the invasion used fake names to help keep the invasions location a secret. A fake army of dummy camps and inflatable planes and tanks were made in Kent and Essex in order trick the Nazis into thinking the invasion would be in Calais. About 3200 reconnaissance missions were launched in preparation for the invasion to take photos of vital

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