
Essay about D. H. Lawrence (Snake, Tortoise Shout, Humming-Bird)

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D. H. LAWRENCE (1885 – 1930)

Hardy and Yeats belong to the upper classes; however, D. H. Lawrence is a working class poet and novelist. Both Hardy and D.H. Lawrence write outstanding novels and they are famous in both of the literary forms. Hardy depicts nature in terms of pessimism like William Butler Yeats and D.H. Lawrence portrays pessimism through the sexuality that stands for the blood for himself. In Freudian psychology, the snake symbolizes the male sexual power. However, in D.H. Lawrence’s poem entitled “Snake”, the animal stands for the innate glory of wild beings and the vulgarity as a whole and the pettiness of the human beings is narrated. Secondly the snake in the poem stands for traditional values and it also symbolizes …show more content…

Sixth Section:

In this section, the image of the snake as the God is portrayed. D. H. Lawrence says that it is “unseeing” because God cannot be seen as creator in anyway. So, at one stage, the position of animal is God-like. The poet points out that the animal lifted his head and flickered his tongue like a stormy night as the simile in the poem indicates and finally disappeared for a while under the earth near the wall garden of D. H. Lawrence.

Seventh Section:

In this section, the snake symbolizes the horror belonging to him, because he thinks that his life is not guaranteed outside but inside the hole he is on the safe side. Apart from this, he protests against human beings who harm him. In this section, he feels more confident in the hole rather than near the trough.

Eighth Section:

In this section, the animal is seen in two living parts in order to reproduce from the old body. From the point of view of the poet, this is a miracle because even male snakes can copy themselves. The first section of the animal was straight but the second section was convulsed. It could not come into existence and it faded away, but because the animal was divided into two and the first section was alive, at this stage, the animal symbolizing fascination for the poet. But life is

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