
D. W's Laboratory Findings

Decent Essays

1.What is the significance of each of D.W.'s laboratory findings?
ANA: test for these autoantibodies (very general); DsDNA (+): Making antibodies to and attacking own DNA; Anti-Sm (+): these antibodies generally interfere with the cells metabolism and are responsible for the symptoms specifically seen with SLE. Here, they are specifically targeted at smooth muscle. CRP elevated: also indicates presence of inflammation, but is more specific towards disease activity; ESR elevated: indirectly indicates the activity of the disease and presence of inflammation; C3 and C4 (decreased): C3 and C4 usually attack the membranes of viruses and bacteria, but in the case of lupus, they attack the own body’s cells. When C3 and C4 suggest the disease is active …show more content…

SLE diagnosis is made on 4 findings present at the same time or in a series. 11 common findings include: malar rash, disc shaped rash, photosensitivity, oral ulcerations, nonerosive arthritis, serositits, presence of ANA, and renal, neurologic, hematologic, and immunologic disorders. The X-ray finding is also significant, because the inflammation without erosion of the joints is a key finding in SLE. Other labs (like those listed above) are used in combination to also aid in diagnosis of SLE.
Retrieved from pathophysiology immunity PowerPoint (by Dr. Pyrus)
4. Which laboratory findings concern you, and why?
Urinalysis/BUN/Creatinine: RBCs and protein in the urine plus the elevated renal labs indicates that the disorder has now also affected the kidneys, which is considered one of the worse complications in lupus.
These electrolyte imbalances (Sodium low, Chloride elevated) also correspond with dysfunction of the kidneys. 7. What other findings indicative of central nervous system (CNS) involvement from SLE should D.W. be assessed

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